A Greener Aspect
By Stickitoffee

25 Jan, 2013
That's better ~ now you can see it!
I do like to see a little colour in the garden!
Comments on this photo
Interesting art :) What did you put inside the icicles?
25 Jan, 2013
I remember them Shirley!
Ah, now that would be telling kat! But if I give you a clue...........I couldn't get anything inside them.
25 Jan, 2013
It looks like sea algae inside the icicles...
25 Jan, 2013
I quite like what it made it look like! but its nothing so exotic i am afraid!
shall i tell you?
25 Jan, 2013
:) Yes! Please.
25 Jan, 2013
Im sorry this will disappoint you ~ all i did was to pour a few drops of food colouring over some of the icicles!
25 Jan, 2013
I am not disappointed :) Good idea.
25 Jan, 2013
:-) thanks kat! when i went to look at it later, most of the colour had drained away, the bit that is brightest i rather think had more cracks in the ice?
25 Jan, 2013
I was a bit worried about the colour but the green seems to have disappeared, I had a lot more trouble with the blue! Had to go to work with slightly blue hands! Ooooops!
26 Jan, 2013
It's still dark here, will go and look soon to see if the ice is still there!
26 Jan, 2013
Very pretty!
26 Jan, 2013
verdi ice ST ! verdi ice indeed !!
26 Jan, 2013
I've got some yellow food colouring you can borrow Sticks!
26 Jan, 2013
Think Bampy's on a roll these past few days.....obviously gone stir crazy in the snow!
26 Jan, 2013
i am enjoying the stir crazy bampy humour!!!!
verdi ice ~ very good!
i got yellow lulu thanks! the icicles are still there ~ do you want me to try another colour?
26 Jan, 2013
colorful , its very beautiful Pippa:-)))
26 Jan, 2013
thanks junna, its still there this morning but the green has all gone
26 Jan, 2013
Looks good Sticki:-)
26 Jan, 2013
I am amazed its still here BA!
26 Jan, 2013
An ice rainbow?
26 Jan, 2013
reminds me of those sky rocket lollipops ~ in 3 colours!
26 Jan, 2013
Oh well done - a really fun idea!
26 Jan, 2013
thanks melchi ~ i couldnt just leave them 'hanging there' they were much too fascinating!
i wonder how long they will last?
26 Jan, 2013
We have had a thaw here today, but a lot of the snow is still hanging around. It was never very deep, but is surprisingly persistent in places. So, who knows? Good while they're there, though!
26 Jan, 2013
its now raining heavily so im not sure they will survive that!
until this evening there was still around 4" of snow here!
26 Jan, 2013
So tomorrow it'll either be gone, or you'll have slush, or you'll have ice. Some artistic mud pies, perhaps!
26 Jan, 2013
green lace on top of the wall ~ at best???
at worst green stained stones [plus some blue where i had the hands!!!]
26 Jan, 2013
26 Jan, 2013
today i have seen a small blue splash mark on the kitchen ceiling ~ now where did that come from i wonder? oooops!
26 Jan, 2013
I think it is the yellow snow you stay clear of Sticki! :0)
26 Jan, 2013
ah yes ~ to be avoided definitely! none that i have seen here though!
26 Jan, 2013
Our snow was well and truly gone by midnight. Quite a surprise. Not unwelcome...
27 Jan, 2013
all gone now!!!
quite windy and wet today but really quite mild
29 Jan, 2013
Oh yes very arty.....
29 Jan, 2013
thank you!! i have to admit i liked these! but then glass fascinates me
30 Jan, 2013
So I see!!
30 Jan, 2013
31 Jan, 2013
Living art Sticki. Lava lamps....that brings back a few memoirs......we had a red lava lamp with a copper top and bottom.
1 Feb, 2013
I quite liked those linda, I think it was the unpredictability of them!
1 Feb, 2013
I don't remember where it went to either.... we had quite a few moves of house and one of our boxes did go missing.
2 Feb, 2013
I blame OH for the missing box of books, when we moved, I'm certain He took one to the charity shop that he shouldn't have done.
2 Feb, 2013
Things get broken too. We have one horse with a glued leg, one with an ear missing and I haven't got the heart to get rid of them.....Also the Christmas baubles that got broken too, that we'd had for years that had to be thrown into the bin.
A missing box of books eh Sticki........oh well perhaps someone somewhere had a good read......
2 Feb, 2013
but they were books i had as a child, cant replace them really :-(((
2 Feb, 2013
That's a shame as they would have been nice to hand on in the family.
2 Feb, 2013
Thankfully the very best I still have, a set of AA Milne.
2 Feb, 2013
Losing childhood books is awful - they are old friends. When I was about 11, my mother gave one of my favourites away (to be fair, it had been one of her childhood books) to a distant cousin I hardly knew. But then, a few years ago, my eldest found a copy in a second-hand book shop and got it for my birthday. Absolute magic! (The fact that he knew about it proves how great a loss it had been!!!)
You'd be surprised what you can find on Amazon or Ebay. And Barter Books in Alnwick have a huge range. You might be able to replace some of the most precious.
2 Feb, 2013
Oh thanks melchisedec, I'm sure I shall enjoy browsing through their catalogues too! This could be expensive! Is this the same Alnwick that has the Harry potter castle? And a lovely garden?
My other bug bear is that my lovely books (yes my old friends too) are mostly in boxes in the garage, I would like wall to wall shelves so I can see them all!
2 Feb, 2013
Yes - the bookshop is in that Alnwick! It is a lovely town - we visit it regularly. When the children were little, we had several holidays in nearby Craster (don't get me started - another wonderful, but ruined, castle) I have never been to the garden - what an admission! I will one of these days. The bookshop is in the old station. When we started going there, it was quite a maze, and there was a feeling that you might find anything. Now it is very well organized and set out, but just as wonderful. There are settees everywhere and you are positively encouraged to sit and read. There is an open fire and coffee is available - a bookworm's heaven. Highly recommended!
We have more books than I could ever read - every one of us is a book fanatic. We have finally reached the stage where some paperbacks eventually go to a local charity shop for re-homing, but it took a long time to reach that point. I suppose book-lined rooms act as good insulation...
4 Feb, 2013
Ah yes - insulation! That's an inspiration!
Well you have convinced me now, that bookshop sounds perfect! I shall have to make another visit up there. We had a lovely holiday in Northumbria one year.
4 Feb, 2013
My favourite English county. It is full of wonderful castles and beautiful beaches. We started out in the north-east, and made great expeditions into Northumberland via local buses! But it's a tad cold...which is why the beaches are still so lovely!
4 Feb, 2013
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Made me think of a Lava lamp ... showing my age again!
25 Jan, 2013