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Shade garden progress 1

Shade garden progress 1

From the back door. I'm taking these so I can compare in the summer.

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Looking great Karen :)

31 Jan, 2013


The plants all look nice and green and healthy Karen :)

31 Jan, 2013


Looks very nice.

31 Jan, 2013


Thanks, it's coming along well. Even my 21 year old son made comment, which is most unusual!

31 Jan, 2013


You must have done something right then.... Lol!

31 Jan, 2013


I know Scottish, I was amazed. he opened the back door and totally unprompted said "oh, I like what you've done out here Mum" How about that!

31 Jan, 2013


Callum - he must be growing up. lol. Now only Scott to approve then. lol.

1 Feb, 2013


Ach, I think Scott feels the same about my gardening as I do about his Golf....."yawn..." :)

1 Feb, 2013


lol and me with Paul and his shooting - so boring, same old same old. But eh ho if it keeps them happy its fine with me. Just been for a good walk with Walter and the ground is so very sticky on our walk, could go further but it is so heavy going and my knees start to get sore so I am trying to do a little at a time. Off into town soon though. Not that I want to but must go to bank.

1 Feb, 2013


I have to do supermarket shop today. :(

1 Feb, 2013


That looks nice, Karen!

2 Feb, 2013


Thanks rose, two more ivied planted on those obelisks today....just giving myself more work, as I shall have to trim them regularly!

2 Feb, 2013


Thank you Bilbo! I cannot wait to see it all get growing now. Just a couple of hostas to add, and my white foxgloves to go in, and some dicentra, white of course, later on, once it comes in to the GC.

It's funny because I originally planned my big woodland border to be all white flowers, but that went out of the window pretty quickly, so now I have my white garden at last. :)

5 Feb, 2013


Yes! Lovely variegated ones...they should be arriving in the mail any day now! Ordered from Binny in Lothian. they have a good choice.

6 Feb, 2013


looking forward for the summer photo

6 Feb, 2013



6 Feb, 2013


Looking real good Karen ......your shade garden. That plant at the front with the big pointed leaves. There is one next door to us, and its about 10 foot tall and been scalped by the corporate gardeners a couple of times too. It does grow well in the shade. It has white flowers late in season, insects love it for late nectar......can't think of its name.

6 Feb, 2013


it's Fatsia japonica Dorjac. They don't tend to grow so fast here and get damaged every winter, but yes, a lovely evergreen. Thankyou!

6 Feb, 2013


It all looks good and healthy so far...looking forward seeing the on going pics.

7 Feb, 2013


Thanks too!

7 Feb, 2013

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