Frogspawn, spring is coming....
By Lincslass

18 Mar, 2013
Comments on this photo
Lovely Lincs...childhood memories...:>)
18 Mar, 2013
Thats cheered me up Lincs :-), beginning to think this cold weather would never end but the froggies must have checked the weather before laying their eggs ;-)
18 Mar, 2013
Yes this time last week that pond was completely frozen over, 5.45pm and the sun is shining at last....
18 Mar, 2013
What a lot!!!! Your garden will be 'hopping' in the summer!!
18 Mar, 2013
Thats only in the bottom pond Paul, haven't seen any in the fishpond yet, I have to act quickly if I spot any in there before the fish eat it all, I love my frogs as I very rarely see any slugs, shame they can't help as regards the snails....
18 Mar, 2013
Yes, and if it's the same as down here, very few Thrush to eat the snails these days!
18 Mar, 2013
Thats right and we used to have them around here, mind you the Sparrows disappeared for a few years and now there are loads so lets hope the same happens as regards the Thrush...
18 Mar, 2013
We're thrushes in my garden for the first 2 or 3 years I was here but not since!
18 Mar, 2013
Funny you should mention thrushes Paul I was just thinking I hadn't seen any for a while, then the other day I was in the greenhouse and heard something on the gravel looked through the window and lo and behold a thrush smashing snails on the stones a lovely sight :-), not so good that he's finding snails already :-(
19 Mar, 2013
Ha ha , that's what you need Simbad, a natural snail destroyer!!!!
19 Mar, 2013
Listening to the Songthrushes song as its getting dark is a treat as well as seeing them enjoying a meal of the snails....
19 Mar, 2013
Wow Lincs Im so envious , I was hoping for some this year but no signs yet, think my pond is too small I did have a couple od frogs and a toad last year, but the Pond as been frozen solid these past week as its not only small but shallow too, maybe when it warms up a little I will be lucky!
19 Mar, 2013
Pansy it was completely frozen, as soon as it thawed I spotted the first spawn, now there is loads.......
20 Mar, 2013
Maybe there is still a chance for mine to spawn then ;0))
20 Mar, 2013
Thrushes seem to have migrated to the cities in recent years.
We've seen an increase in Glasgow, along with wood pigeons, competing for food with their abundant feral cousins.
You only have to pass the countless takeaways & these new migrants can be seen dining on what's been dropped or chucked by the public.
The saddest thing is that they have become accustomed to humans & merely move aside to let us pass, then continue to dine with no sense of alarm, let alone taking flight.
It just doesn't feel right.
21 Mar, 2013
That would just seem weird Mouldy thrushes feeding with the pigeons!!!!.
Pleased to say this afternoon I've seen a pair in my garden so not just the one, hopefully they'll nest nearby so I have my own army of snail destroyers, as Paul called them :-), yaaay.
21 Mar, 2013
Wish this lot still had the killer instinct, Simbad, but with such a glut of free food they just don't have any incentive, hence, although they may not be happy at sharing with the pigeons, they may understand there's more than enough to go around & then some!
I must try & get some snaps of the local foxes.
Yes, you read that right, local.
Supposed to be nocturnal, right?
These guys appear to be on rotating shifts & it"s anyone's guess, when they'll turn up to quite boldly root about in the bins.
Squirrels prancing less than 20ft away (Less than 7mtrs for those who deal in new money, lol), but the foxes would rather gorge themselves on sugar-laden food we chuck out on a daily basis.
Once they waddle away, the squirrels, gulls, ocrows & numerous others wade in.
Martens, stoats & weasels would have a field day, hereabouts & in most cities, I daresay.
We don't need to cull any creatures, folks...just beat them towards the cities & we'll kill them with refuse. Lol. :-\
21 Mar, 2013
We have foxes visit too but ours are nocturnal lol, I know a lot of people aren't keen on them but they do me a great service sorting out the rabbit population so they're welcome here, flippin rabbits eat every plant given a chance, but don't they make some strange noises was woken the other night to some really weird noises which I thought it must be a fox as it sounded like something large after googling and listening to fox noises on utube found out its called gekkering I've heard them screeching and barking but never this, freaky!!!!
27 Mar, 2013
City folk often mistake their gekkering for a baby crying in pain.
I'd heard the word, donkey's years ago, but forgotten it.
Nice one Simbad!
They can be quite vicious, when chastising their young, & the noise the cubs make is really alarming.
27 Mar, 2013
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OOOh .. nice...
... patter of tiny tadpoles :o)))
18 Mar, 2013