Bird bath mosaic..
By Lulu33

25 Mar, 2013
This took quite some effort on the curves and nearly 3 days to make. I bet it doubles as a dog, cat, fox water bowl too. For the birdies it's an Olympic sized bath! I hope they will use it.
Comments on this photo
That is absolutely awesome Lulu! Oh my! You are so talented...I think this is going to be quite an accent in your garden. Will you raise it on a stand or just sit it on the floor?
25 Mar, 2013
Wow, this is gorgeous! My birds would love it.
25 Mar, 2013
I'm going to put it on the patio slabs so I can see it from the kitchen. Maybe put my feet in it when it gets hot!!
Now I really understand why mosaics are so expensive, they take so long to make!
Thanks for your kind comments girls! I'm off for a well earned glass of wine and to rub my stiff neck!
25 Mar, 2013
superb Lulu
25 Mar, 2013
Ta Paul! I like it to.....until I start on another one!
25 Mar, 2013
That's stunning Lulu, love everything about it.
25 Mar, 2013
Really beautiful Lulu , you deserve your glass or two of wine :o)
25 Mar, 2013
Thanks Amy and SL. drinking my first glass of wine and making carrot soup!
25 Mar, 2013
Very well thought out, and a superb result.
25 Mar, 2013
masterpiece Lulu !!
25 Mar, 2013
Thank you boys. Lots of thinking and sticking and now my brain and neck aches a bit but hey hi, two glasses of wine, a superb carrot and tarragon soup and super salad of beets, celeriac, carrots. Freshly squeezed blood orange juice.....but only enough for D. So didn't get mine with vodka! And I'm done now!
25 Mar, 2013
Its got the wow factor Lulu. I think you need to put it on your stall with a note saying that it is sold. Would you have time to do all the commissions it will generate.
26 Mar, 2013
Depends on how much someone would want to spend! Not many folk want to shell out on an expensive birdbath these days! Except, the price of stone ones are pretty high too.
26 Mar, 2013
And FAR too cold for a stall at the mo!
26 Mar, 2013
Thanks so much HB. It certainly was a labour of love! Pity it's too freezing to use it..better wait for the grout to really dry.
26 Mar, 2013
looks very elegant. there's nothing to give it scale, how hig is it?
28 Mar, 2013
Good point Fran, I'd say its about 18" in diameter.
29 Mar, 2013
thanks - that's an Olympic bird bath if ever there was one! I admire your tenacity: must have taken *ages* to work out the design and then apply it. What did you use as a base to apply it on?
29 Mar, 2013
Beautiful...nominated for mosaics..:)
30 Mar, 2013
Just glued each pice on Fran.
Thank you BB!
Pity it's still so freezing, longing to give it a go...although it should be frost proof!
31 Mar, 2013
But what did you glue it ON to? can see handles eithr side, so was it a metal dish? I've seen some small metal bowls with handles like that. If it was metal, will the temperature affect it, and will that affect the mosaic as the metal contracts or expands even a little?
31 Mar, 2013
A wok!
31 Mar, 2013
nods, I thought that but didn't want to say it in case I was wrong. I've got a small one that I use as a firebowl - not needed since I got my mini-barbie, so maybe I can recycle that - not as elegantly as yours, but maybe the birds won't notice - plain concrete might do it. Hmm, maybe I can line it with bits of cut-up CD ...
31 Mar, 2013
That will brighten up their day lol!
31 Mar, 2013
I've been putting off having a go at concreting fora ages, I must get round to it one day - the hardware shop over the road has bags of ready-mix, just add water and stir, but still not quite got round to it. that's my "get round to" for this year!
31 Mar, 2013
Have you got the bits you want to stick on Fran?
2 Apr, 2013
I don't have any mosaic tiles, there was never any point buying stuff that I wasn't sure I'd ever use. I don't have grout, either. I thought of cutting up some CDs and pressing them into the concrete; not sure if they'd stay put in the concrete or if I'd need to grout them in. Oh well, only one way to find out!
*s* it's not as if I don't have a stack of CDs going spare, so I can afford to experiment. if that works, or half works, I might have a go at proper tiles and grout and all that. But for now, start simple - so long as I start!
2 Apr, 2013
Best of luck!!
2 Apr, 2013
lol I'll post the results, however bad they are! but don't hold your breath till then *s*
2 Apr, 2013
What does *s* mean Fran?
2 Apr, 2013
sorrry that's shorthand *smile* - I've been too long in chat rooms!
2 Apr, 2013
Nomination for mosaics not been successful for some reason but will keep trying.Our birdbath cracked in the recent frosts so this would look lovely in the garden...:)
7 Apr, 2013
Well am very disappointed not to be featured lol!
I just need to weather/rust proof the underside and now the mega frosts maybe over....she types this tentatively! I can put it out!
8 Apr, 2013
No worries Lulu...Drc726 has very kindly edited into Birdbaths.......Sure your feathered friends will love it !!!
13 Apr, 2013
Ah thank you! A featured bird bath!
14 Apr, 2013
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Those birds will have the poshest and most beautiful bird bath in the country!
25 Mar, 2013