Scarlet Lily Beetles ... watch out they are back !
By Amy

6 May, 2013
You can see where they have eaten a chunk out of that leaf ....
Comments on this photo
Oh goodness....I've never seen them 'in the flesh' Amy....But I know how destructive they are....
6 May, 2013
Red bugs.
7 May, 2013
I will keep my eyes open for this monster!
7 May, 2013
saw 2 here yesterday... they are now ex-lily beetles :-)
7 May, 2013
I've caught some more today they like the Fritillarias , mine are ex-beetles to Slad :-)
7 May, 2013
7 May, 2013
ive just caught 4 bugs on my lillies...I hate killing them but it has to be done.
7 May, 2013
Horrible nasties aren't they Sb , I don't like killing them either I hold a jam jar with water under them and then tap them making them fall in .. !
7 May, 2013
I have seen quite a few this year so far, always in pairs, so I feel lucky to catch 2 at a time. So far they have been on my fritillarias only, they seem to be leaving the lilies alone for the moment, whilst they tried to feast on the other plant, but they have been very unlucky so far, as I have got to them before they have done any damage.
7 May, 2013
Is there a spray that can be used to stop and prevent them for a while ?
7 May, 2013
All mine have been in pairs Michaella it's a daily job to keep them down , David at one time I was catching and sending the Scarlet Lily Beetles to The John Inns institute at Norwich they were working on a programme to solve the problem I don't know if anything ever came out of it I haven't heard the results !
7 May, 2013
I have them too Amy reduced my lilium michauxii to ribbons already :-(, I don't like squishing them either.
8 May, 2013
What a shame Kathy , I saw some more today but they dropped into the grass before I could catch them !
8 May, 2013
I still have some of the Michauxii in the wood they haven't found them, yet :-)
Crafty little beggars too aren't they always land upside down lol.
9 May, 2013
Been picking them off too Amy and yes in pairs......and I DO like squishing!
9 May, 2013
Its the crunchy sound I don't like Janey lol ;-)
9 May, 2013
Janey your a sadist I bet you use to eat worms to LOL...
Lets hope your wood plants escape their detection Kathy , I don't scrunch them I knock them into a jar of water ! now which is worse crunching or slowly drowning ? :o(
10 May, 2013
Very handsome pair but very lethal to, dont fancy the crunching though lol
11 May, 2013
what are their natural predators? wouldn't they be attracted by free food? of course, by the time birds notice, you'd probably be over-run
11 May, 2013
I just flick them off and quickly squish them! They are a menace to the lily type plants and I prefer to have leaves and flowers!!
12 May, 2013
Your lily beetles behave with more propriety than mine Amy, I blush to say it, but mine have formed threesomes. Must be something in the air here .....I hate killing anything, but a quick stomp and they're gone. I never had any problem with them until a few years ago, maybe insecticidal sprays have killed off their predators?:-)
12 May, 2013
They eat my lilies and I kill every one I see!!
I hate killing things, but with these I have no mercy! Lilies are too special to allow them to be a bug's dinner!!!
12 May, 2013
I spied these darn lily beetles last week before I even saw my lilies coming up.... they are oozing out of the ground. I've had my garden for 32 years and last year was the first year that my tiger lilies did not bloom and it is because of these pests. I am not going to let them win this year.
I keep a small jar of ammonia right next to the plants and I use a trowel to scoop them up and drop them in the jar. Must check several times a day.
Make sure you dispose of that black goo that they deposit on the underside of the leaves later on in the cycle...these are the eggs that drop off in the dirt !
12 May, 2013
Frits are the worst plants, as the beetle love them, you can spray with Provado and they will not come back, depends if you want to use chemicals! we usually pick them off and gently stamp on them lol
12 May, 2013
I can't say I GENTLY stamp on them Dottydaisy!!! I really trample them!! Oooh I am evil, but so are they!!
12 May, 2013
Fran apparently there are no known predators in this country .. Bg your bugs want reporting LOL ... it's an interesting subject, I read an artical where experiments were taking place it was found that the only plants not touch by the S.L Beetles were the ones that had a turtle shaped headed plant growing nearby like the Chelone , odd that ! maybe it's that their natural predator from Asia or where ever they came from has a turtle shaped head .. I might try growing some of my Chelone near mine to see if it makes a difference !
13 May, 2013
awfull nasty things Amy, im keeping an eye out, had lots last year :((
13 May, 2013
Found one today, right in the middle of a new lily, luckily I had my glasses on at the time, got the little devil....
13 May, 2013
You don't want a repeat of that San keep your eyes open ☺ well done Angela another one gone :o)
14 May, 2013
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BAAAAAAAAD!! there are now a few less in this garden :-((
6 May, 2013