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Down the garden path early morning in May.

Down the garden path early morning in May.

The sun was very bright creating this hazy effect. I had my Corn Flakes out there after taking this!

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Daughter and I went for a walk in a local wood today we could see a mass of blue and yellow near the entrance as we got nearer found it was bluebells and dandelions!!!! I spend my life trying to erradicate dandelions but they looked so pretty :-)

19 May, 2013


What a gorgeous view!

Simbad, my Mum is always saying how pretty dandelions are! Not in my garden I hasten to add, but on the verges of the roads we drive down. I have to agree, but I still don't want any in my borders!

19 May, 2013


It looks tranquil :o)

20 May, 2013


lovely garden wildrose :o)

20 May, 2013


I HATE dandelions also but don't mind daisies and buttercups. I attack dandelions with hatred in my heart!!! John wants us to keep them coz the bees like them.....too bad, they have to go!

20 May, 2013


Erm..I gather you don't like them then ? :o) What a lovely view you have tranquil...

28 May, 2013


A beautiful English country garden....

11 Jul, 2013


I agree with Dotty and I just love Bluebells ;0)

28 Jul, 2013


It is when our garden is at its best.

28 Jul, 2013

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