Double Zinnia ?
By Bloomer

5 Aug, 2013
This opened up yesterday,and is from a packet of single Zinnias..same leaf,but it is a Zinnia ?
Comments on this photo
Zinnias need hot weather. The hot spell we had recently may have helped. I grew them once many years ago and their flowers last long.
5 Aug, 2013
It probably is, but looks a lot like a Chrysanth flower doesn't it.
5 Aug, 2013
Its beautiful whatever it is, could be a cross with a Dalhia?;0)
5 Aug, 2013
You might have the one and only variety here, a special one just for you.
As Hywel suggested name it after you! :-)
5 Aug, 2013
What a lovely suprise Sandra , it's a beauty !
5 Aug, 2013
..Wouldn't that be good,Hywel? .fame at last :o)
I noticed they seem to last a long time,Costas..the first one has been flowering for ages now,and still looks good..
It does, illicit affair ? Lol..
Thanks could be that as well,couldn't it? ..not an affair with The Bishop of Llandaff ,surely ? :o))
It would be nice to think so,Chris..I shall leave it up to you and Hywel to think of a suitable combination name for it..please keep it within this sites guidelines ! Lol.
It is Amy,and I've watching it for a while now,as I thought it looked a bit different from the exciting when you get something different:o)
5 Aug, 2013
Hey Sandra What about " Bishop's Bloomer" LOL
5 Aug, 2013
Brilliant,Carole :o) you are up there with a winning idea Lol.
5 Aug, 2013
Lovely one Bloomer send your pic to RHS with Carole's name suggestion and see what they say! :o)
5 Aug, 2013
Ha ha,Neena..I don't think they might have the same daft sense of humour as us,somehow :o)
6 Aug, 2013
You could be right there lol :o)
6 Aug, 2013
:o)..It's good to have a giggle sometimes Lol.
6 Aug, 2013
Agree there chuckles are good for you :o)
6 Aug, 2013
What a beauty!
8 Aug, 2013
Thank you David..I love it,especially as it was so unexpected..
8 Aug, 2013
It's really pretty but I don't think it's a double Zinnia - just looked at images of them - you could always name it 'Bloomer's Blunder' - meant in the nicest possible way! Save seed and see what comes up next year ... :o)
21 Aug, 2013
That flower head is still there,Shirley ! and a few others on the same plant..some a bit similar,sort of semi double..if you know what I mean :o) no fame and fortune for me..just a' Bloomer's blunder'..nothing new there then :o)
21 Aug, 2013
23 Aug, 2013
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You might have discovered a new variety. Maybe it could be named after you :D
5 Aug, 2013