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Remi heading to the park Sunday morning.....


By Motinot

Remi heading to the park Sunday morning.....

Comments on this photo


He looks well wrapped up against the cold !

27 Nov, 2013


Love the hat ... :o)

27 Nov, 2013


Remi looks ready for anything ! I don't know what they feed them on these days but they seem to grow up overnight !

27 Nov, 2013


He loves his & granda's trip to feed the ducks each Sunday and play in the park...'Nana, hope the slide isn't wet today' he said as he was leaving....:>)

27 Nov, 2013


You can't help loving them to bits can you :o))

27 Nov, 2013


Hi Remi you look nice and snug for your play in the park X

27 Nov, 2013


I know Amy...They put that spring back in your step, don't they? ....Have to keep warm these cold days Neellan....:>)

27 Nov, 2013



27 Nov, 2013


He has grown up so fast. He will soon be in school if he isn't already. He is such a handsome lad. Bet he knows just how to wind himself around your little finger.:O)

28 Nov, 2013


Not in school yet Olive...he was 3 Aug past....He is such a good little boy and has me totally hooked.....:>)

28 Nov, 2013


My God, he has grown up since last year!

29 Nov, 2013


I would be hooked too Motti, he is lovely. I am hoping for one to cuddle soon, nothing on the horizon just yet but daughter under specialists now so hopefully in the not too distant future, keep your fingers crossed for me.

29 Nov, 2013


He certainly has grown-up Moti. I bet you enjoy his company!

29 Nov, 2013


Fingers & toes crossed Olive xxx......He's great company Mel, great at the talking....:>)

30 Nov, 2013


He is still as gorgeous,Moti..and looks nice and snug in his hat:o) Thomas has one similar..great aren't they? in fact,I am envious when we go to the park too,but I would look a right sight,in one of those ! :o) x

1 Dec, 2013


Oh my goodness Remi has grown up fast. He is a handsome young chap. Guess he must be 3 now same as our Maddie. We are a waiting the imminent arrival of grandchilfd no 7 due on the 22nd hope he or she is on time uncle Martin is getting Married on the 27 th busy month ahead!

1 Dec, 2013


Thank you Bloomer....I often say that about his hats...i would look a right plonker in any of was 3 August past Sue..good luck with the new grandchild and have a great time at the wedding....Glad to hear from you Sue.. xx

1 Dec, 2013


3 where has the time gone? this last year has flown by.…

4 Jan, 2014


He's a lovely looking boy Moti :o)

24 Jan, 2014


Thanks Annella.....This last year has indeed flown by Dd....I always think the older i get, the quicker the years pass....:>)

24 Jan, 2014

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