Here's one I made earlier..A very Happy Christmas to you all.xx
By Bloomer

24 Dec, 2013
I know I have sent Christmas greetings before,but it has been tinged with sadness this past two days..and I just want to say thank you to everyone who has shared their feelings,tears,and emotions on my recent blog about our dear friend,Val..I am still not going to add any further comments on it,as I expressed my feelings at the time..and that was for all you wonderful people to express yours..and you did,and it will always be there,for those who haven't seen it yet.,and wish to add to it will never be too many who knew her,and the ones who didn't know her so well...a fitting tribute to a special lady...Have a wonderful Christmas,with your loved ones.....thanks for all the PM's, I will get round to replying soon,and also pass on all your sympathies to Ralph and family.They will mean so much,to know Val had so many friends. she would have loved some Christmas cake..:o). you are the best,and I love you
Comments on this photo
Tears time again G ..thank
24 Dec, 2013
Thank you Sandra. What a wonderful tribute! I'm really sorry for the loss of your dear friend. So many things are beyond understanding that we just have to accept. I hope you find comfort in your loved ones. Have a blessed Christmas.
24 Dec, 2013
Lovely cake and good thoughts ... xxx
24 Dec, 2013
Thank you Paul..I have had time to reflect,and I'm now going to remember the good times,and the fun we are welcome to pop over the pond,and share some Christmas cake..:o) x
24 Dec, 2013
Thanks Terra..and you too are welcome anytime my friend..with the gridlocks on a lot of the roads,and railways,Paul would probably be here before you .Lol. ..Leave the NFH behind you,they are not included in the invitation ! xxx
24 Dec, 2013
So sorry Bloomer to hear about your friend.
*Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow.
~Robert Louis Stevenson
Lovely cake you made.
24 Dec, 2013
Thank you Sandra ...
we are happy hiding away today ;o)
24 Dec, 2013
Thank you Klahanie..a lovely sentiment,which I haven't heard before..just lovely..and I want to eat some of the cake NOW !I hope it's nice..time will tell tomorrow..:o)
Have a lovely Christmas the sunshine.and warmth..not that I'm envious ,you understand.. :o).
24 Dec, 2013
I'm sure you are, are cold out there,and windy...xx
24 Dec, 2013
Have a nice day tomorrow Sandra :o) x
I haven't been able to stop thinking about Val. It's so sad. Although she hasn't been on here for a while, it will take some time for us to get used to the fact she won't return. We'll have nice memories of her though .... but it isn't the same, is it.
I like your cake. It reminds me of the ones my mother used to make, and I always had to line the tins for her, with grease proof paper lol
24 Dec, 2013
I have thought about Val often since you posted the sad news Sandra ... and do you know I smile at the memories of her comments on blogs and photos ... love the cake ... :o)
24 Dec, 2013
Still find it hard to believe the sad news about Val, I hope that Ralph will be able to see the tributes from her friends on Goy it may give him some comfort to know how much she will be missed by her fiends on here.
Sandra can I book you for a Christmas cake next year, yours looks lovely very professional;0)
24 Dec, 2013
Cake looks absolutely Scrummy Sandra.I hope the sadness and sorrow you've been through will not spoil your Christmas with your lovely family too much.If you have a little tipple over Christmas, make a toast to Val for all of us on here,I certainly will xx
24 Dec, 2013
Thank you Hywel,I think we all feel the same..she would have been happy to know she was so well thought of,judging by the response..and probably made a joke of it ! Lol.Thanks for liking my cake..and I still line my tin with greaseproof paper,although it's a non stick tin!:o) old habits die hard..I made my first one in Domestic Science at school..not the same recipe..I don't know where that went..but it was over 50 years ago ..well over ! :o).
Have a lovely day tomorrow too..xx
24 Dec, 2013
That's what we need to do now,Shirley..she wouldn't have wanted it any other way,I'm sure..As long as her account is still open,,maybe for a while yet I hope, that is up to her Family,but I haven't checked..I will take a look at all the things that made us smile :o) ..I am very tempted to cut into the cake..well,I really should test it shouldn't I ?
I've already had a mince pie..not home made.. I'm not that perfect! lol..Have a lovely Christmas Day,and thank
24 Dec, 2013
I didn't like to have to ring you,Carole ,but I didn't want you to see all the comments on Goy I could see you hadn't been on for a couple of would have been more upsetting ,and not the right thing to do,when we are special friends..I hope Ralph sees them too..He and the family need to grieve in peace now,so I won't intrude on their privacy..especially at this time of year..but I will get in touch with him in a few for booking me for next years cake,Carole..what is it worth ? least you make your own mince off ! :o)
Have a lovely day with Robin,Simon and Clare,and Harry of he in charge of the party games? ..I think the food will be his speciality....eating it ! xxx
24 Dec, 2013
Thank you Val,I am so looking forward to tomorrow,and count my blessings,and I will definitely raise my glass to her,even though it will only be one glass of wine,as I'm not a drinker..oh my,how she would have commented on that! Lol..later,it will be a glass of Shloer ,red or white.I live on the edge,don't I ? :o) got to think of the driver..
Have a wonderful Christmas Day with your family too..xx.
24 Dec, 2013
Lovely words Bloomer thank you from all of us who remember Val with fondness and a smile.
Your cake looks scrummy enjoy it along with your Mince pies that are as good as Fortnams! Love to you and your family I will raise my glass of pink Schloer too x
God bless xxx
24 Dec, 2013
You are so kind,Neellan,thank you..haha,about the mince know my supplier ! Lol..Have a wonderful Christmas with your lovely Family..and Cheers ! Will chat after the festivities my dear friend..take care,and hope you haven't eaten all your home made Frangipani mince pies already ! love and
24 Dec, 2013
A very Happy Christmas to you Bloomer
24 Dec, 2013
:o) still a few Frangipanis left! enjoy your Christmas
love to Thomas...Santa told me he knew Thomas well and he had been a good boy! my littlies all v. excited! love and hugs xxx
24 Dec, 2013
Thank you Denise..and enjoy the festivities with your family..
24 Dec, 2013
I bet they won't be there much longer :o) Santa told me the travels fast doesn't it? I bet you are as excited as all your littlies,Neellan...have lots of fun together
24 Dec, 2013
I have been looking back at some of Val's blogs, and some of the fun she had with lots of us on here. It is hard to believe that she won't be back. I want to send you ladies that knew her well a big hug from me. My mum has been busy lately, but I know she will be sending you hugs too, when she comes back. Xx
24 Dec, 2013
Karen= :))
25 Dec, 2013
What a super looking cake & I bet it tasted just as good!! I never make them now - too lazy!!
26 Dec, 2013
Thanks H.bird..and I have been looking at the Rhubarb saga only today..and a few other brought a smile to my face too..we have some fun times to remember her by..xx
27 Dec, 2013
I sat down and read back on a few blogs again today and they made me smile too xxx
28 Dec, 2013
Hi Annie,they were fun times weren't they? we have to keep smiling..xxxx
28 Dec, 2013
I looked at comments on blogs and pics too yesterday and found myself smiling and even laughing at times. I think it is a good way to be remembered:-)x
30 Dec, 2013
I agree,Ba..if you would like to take another look at my first blog about Val,her daughter Johanna has posted a lovely comment xxx
30 Dec, 2013
Lovely cake........So sorry to hear about Val.
31 Dec, 2013
Thank you Linda..still half of it left :o) ,and it has been a very sad time,but she is at peace now..We will be attending Val's funeral on 6th January,to pay our last respects to a good friend,at her family's request..
31 Dec, 2013
It was Jamie's 19th yesterday and it makes you think about time and family, when you go Sandra please take all my good wishes to Val's loved ones with you xx
1 Jan, 2014
I will Annie..and I'm sure they will be comforted,to see just how many friends,Val had .:o)xx
1 Jan, 2014
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Simply lovely B. xxx
24 Dec, 2013