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Sorbaria 'Sem '


By Amy

Sorbaria   'Sem '

Spring foliage

Comments on this photo


You have some nice shrubs Amy. I assume that this is the colour of a new growth.
I have never seen this species of Sorbaria before. Very attractive foilage. Does it sucker as the Sorbaria sorbifolia?.

29 Mar, 2014


This is the Sorbifolia ' Sem ' klanhanie , yes it does sucker I'm always digging them up and potting them up for other people ... this is mainly the spring colour it lessons as the year goes on !

29 Mar, 2014


Do you have it in the landscape or in the pot Amy?
I think I will look for it and put it in the pot. I like the colours and the texture of it . Hope I will find it on the Island.
Nice capture.

29 Mar, 2014


Another of my favourites! I have never found 'suckers' but have managed to take a couple of cuttings that have been successful.

29 Mar, 2014


Beautiful texture of leaves and that colour is very unusual. Do you have the photo of a whole shrub?

30 Mar, 2014


Klahanie I have at least 3 in my garden I'm beginning to think they would have been better in pots because the suckers are coming up in the middle of other shrubs , I'm surprised you haven't any suckers yet Gee they grow all round the base of our shrubs , I think I have Kat I'll have a look ......

31 Mar, 2014


Lovely Picture of "Sorbia Sem " I love the spring colours, mine is looking good too, its in a pot so I havent had any suckers yet! ;0)

31 Mar, 2014


ohhh, that's pretty! I wouldn't mind that on my wallpaper

31 Mar, 2014


Ours has not suckered yet......fingers crossed.

31 Mar, 2014


Yours is looking great, mine suffered from all the rain we had, but hopefully will recover...

1 Apr, 2014


Perhaps I'm suckerless because I cut the shrub back to the ground each year! Perhaps I shouldn't be doing that :(

1 Apr, 2014


Gee now that is interesting, when do you do that?

1 Apr, 2014


Fran I can picture your house with every photo you've ever liked covering the walls Lol ...good luck with it Dd ,fingers crossed it should recover Holly .
Gee we have never cut ours back to the ground but you've made me think about it and I've checked the label ,it says prune in early spring by thinning out ... I haven't done that ,is it still early spring ?

1 Apr, 2014


lol Amy, they'd have to take turns! Would love a huge screen that showed them in sequence, screensaer style, maybe pausing on my very fave ones

1 Apr, 2014


Wouldn't that be good Fran ,A screen saver wall we could change it at breakfast each day , a bright sunny one for a cold day ,a warm drizzle for a hot muggy day, dragons den should know about this Lol !!

1 Apr, 2014


lol I've ;long fantasised about getting a ceiling screen showing some of the awesomely beautiful pictures on NASA's APOD (Astronomy photo of the day) site

but that over and wall screen all round ... especially with a machine to waft relevant scents and another for relevant sound effects ...

have you seen APOD? they're downloadable, and I've got oh so many!

Sorry to sidetrack the convo, Amy!!

1 Apr, 2014


I haven't seen APOD Fran I must take a look , your brain works like mine I want to live in a magical world where todays rubbish means nothing !!

1 Apr, 2014


lol and it's even more wonderful when the magic is real -- just ever-so-slightly out of reach!!

I don't watch TV or read newspapers, and I don't subscribe to magazines, so I happily miss a lot of junk - of course I also miss some gold, but lol it's easier to bear when you don't know what you're missing.

but honestly, who really cares if some talentless nonentity is dating some other talentles snonentity???

1 Apr, 2014


Not me Lol ... we have a newspaper but I get so angry when I read about things my OH threatens to stop buying it !!

2 Apr, 2014


I get two freebie newspapers, they go straight into a box - useful for putting down after washing floors, tearing into strips to put in the compster, or shredding to use as a base for papier-mache!

2 Apr, 2014

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