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Top patio


By Samjp

Top patio

Top patio with our new table and chairs - just needs some pots now :-)

Comments on this photo


that's your "stqrter for ten", and just know it's going to be brilliant

5 Apr, 2014


Thanks Fran.

We've actually got 8 chairs but four are set up as 2 companion sets on the other patio.

5 Apr, 2014


Thanks Homebird. I'm really pleased with. Just need some living things now (and not weeds please lol)

6 Apr, 2014


Looking really nice there, Sam.
I'm adding to GoYpedia seats :o)

6 Apr, 2014


Thanks terra.

6 Apr, 2014


will you have shielding plants to "privatise" the patio from next door?

oh, I finaly donloaded Sketchup, not installed yet, then I found my old Geoff Hamilton Garden CD - I couldn't get on with it before, but it's worth trying again. If I can't, lol, that'll be on offer to any GoYer that wants it!

6 Apr, 2014


I'm thinking about putting some trellis along the border with next door and growing plants up it. Definately going for clematis, jasmine and honeysuckle. But am sure I'll have plenty of space for others.

Ooh have fun, let me know how you get on.

7 Apr, 2014


Those climbers all sound good - I've heard of them in the "scent" department as well as the "climber". Will they be in pots/troughs, or is there some ground for them to go in?

lol I'll update about the garden CD as I go along - you'll probably be able to hear me screaming if it don't work!

8 Apr, 2014


Thanks Fran. I'm probably going with a couple of pots but mostly in the ground. Hopefully the bit of border planned by the patio won't be too full of cement.

Lol well I've not heard screams yet - does that mean it's working or you've not started lol.

8 Apr, 2014


lol the second of your two options! actually, I'd forgotten about it - again! but will have a serious go at installing it tonight.

8 Apr, 2014


Love the colour of the pavers ...

17 Apr, 2014


Thanks Shirley, I'm quite pleased with them.

17 Apr, 2014

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