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I know that jays aren't a rare bird but, i never saw any in or around my previous garden, but since we've been at our new home, thgius Jay has been a regular percher in the Oak tree in the greenspace just behind our garden. They are wuite a large bird and very attractively coloured and marked. He was way up at the top of the tree which is probably 80 to 100 feet away so had to zoom in, so not veryt sharp but, hopefully i'll get better pictures of him/her sopmetime.

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Interesting to see ...

16 Jan, 2015


Thats a coincidence Paul this is the first year ever we have had them in our garden ,we have a pair visiting each day feeding on the ground below the bird feeding station unfortunately I haven't been able to get a decent photo their eye- sight must be incredible you only have to make the slightest movement and they are off..

16 Jan, 2015


Nice one Paulspatch. They are attractive birds, part of the crow family. At this time of year they will be looking for acorns and burying them, for future consumption.

16 Jan, 2015


Well done Paul. Jays are very shy birds, so you were lucky to get the picture. We have a couple around here, but they don't stay long enough for me to get a pic. I think they are beautiful birds, but isn't it strange how we tend to like these birds, but not their cousins, the Magpie? yet it too is a beautiful bird in its own right.

17 Jan, 2015


Yes, Waddy, but Magpies are so aggressive, aren't they.That's why , I suppose.
Thanks everyone.....I was quite a long way away inside with the window open (and camera zoomed in)so he didn't notice me. There have obviously been Crows nesting in the Oak at some stage , looking at the large flat nest in it!

17 Jan, 2015


Super photo, well captured!!

17 Jan, 2015


Thank you.

17 Jan, 2015


Actually, Jays can be very aggressive too Paul.

18 Jan, 2015


I suppose so if they are related to Magpies. but, we don't see their aggression so much I suppose as they don't visit gardens as much as Magpies.

18 Jan, 2015


very true.

19 Jan, 2015


Lovely soft colour Paul.

19 Jan, 2015


They're quite a sight when they fly over Linda....very colourful!

20 Jan, 2015


How lovely to have the Jays visiting. WHen we lived just down the road from here we had a regular pair of Jays feeding in the garden.

2 Feb, 2015


they are often perching in the Oak tree behind our garden Linda but, yesterday morning when I went into the kitchen, one of them was actually in my garden, right near the house and was tugging away trying to get a worm or something out of the grass but my movement scared him away, unfortunately.

3 Feb, 2015


How lovely Paul. Perhaps they will get used to you if they make your garden a feeding stop.

3 Feb, 2015


I saw no birds here at all in our garden for the first few days We were here but since I've been putting foods out on the feeding station etc, we have lots coming in ..mainly Blue Tits 2 Robins, Blackbirds Starlings Collared Doves and Wood Pigeons.

3 Feb, 2015


A few shrubs or some growth near the fences helps as the birds like somewhere to land and hide in safety.

4 Feb, 2015


I will be planting some Pyracanthus or similar at the back for the birds and also security as the small section of wall backs on to a green space.

4 Feb, 2015


Pyracanthus is a good plant flower wise and berry wise. The birds love them, the only thing that is awful is the prickles.

5 Feb, 2015


Yes, that's the stop anyone wanting to climb over on to our property! not that there is a problem here with that but,our back garden would be easily accessible from the green behind us!

6 Feb, 2015


Good idea Paul, nature's own detterent.

7 Feb, 2015


I've only ever seen one in my life love to see more.loved your pic Paul.

14 Feb, 2015


Thanks Suey.t my old house, I never saw them near the garden ...only ever saw them,occasionally, flyin out of the trees bushes by th energy farm fields.But this Oak tRee is just behind my new garden and there's regularly a pair of Jays in it.
Last week, I saw one in my garden , Diggin for worms or something, when I came down in the morning but he then flew move,ent probably scared him off.

14 Feb, 2015


They'll be back.:0)

15 Feb, 2015

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