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Cacti arrangement.

Cacti arrangement.

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That is so interesting and very attractive.

24 Jan, 2015


Imagine that was quite a fiddle to make HB. You have more patience than me! Looks great!

24 Jan, 2015


Hi Sheila, you have more patience than me too, but it looks very nice, not something I would have thought of in a million years, Derek.

24 Jan, 2015


What a clever idea. They look great in there!

24 Jan, 2015


That is lovely very artistic, and will give the plants a micro climate. You could pay pounds for that in a shop, it looks great

25 Jan, 2015


I was wondering how you got them in without getting prickled to bits Hb , what a good idea it looks great !

25 Jan, 2015


Nice. The one the left looks to be a hardy Opuntia. If it outgrows the could adapt to the great outdoors!
The tall middle might be a Pilocereus..the Brazilian blue cacti. Tender,great pot plants though. And the barrel looks to be a Mammilaria sp. cacti..they clump and can live forever in a pot.
My best guesses.

28 Jan, 2015


great idea, lovely display. I gave up cacti when my vision started to go and the plants bit back more than usual! the book said to use a collar of cardboard to wrap round the plants, but tongs sound a lot easier, and you can get at them from all angles.

14 Feb, 2015


grins, might be a new thing, cacus acupuncture!

15 Feb, 2015


I'll have to try that - wonder if it works bilatereally? I mean, headache on right, pinch right hand? and how long would one have to pinch for? *s* maybe a clothes peg would do the trick, at least it wouldn't tie up both hands

15 Feb, 2015


That looks so professional.....

16 Feb, 2015

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