Great tits nest
By Amy
- 31 May, 2015
2ft down inside a metal gate post ..
Comments on this photo
WOW, 8 of those bugs!
31 May, 2015
Amy, Amy....Do you knit in the garden?
31 May, 2015
What a find , Amy .
How wonderful to be able to 'photo them .
31 May, 2015
Thanks all , We usually find several nests in the garden but not so this year we have had loads of stray cats & squirrels I've seen them watching the birds at their feeding tables , I have found broken egg shells so maybe they are more cunning at hiding the nests . Kat I don't knit at all clever little birds must find bits on their rounds , Julia I wasn't at all sure the photo would come out Tony had seen the Gt Tit previously taking worms down the pipe and was suspicious he then peeped down with a torch that was 2 weeks ago so we are assuming this is a second clutch of eggs it was pitch dark I held the camera over the pipe and used the flash , I wonder how the young fly upwards to get out ?
31 May, 2015
Fabulous photo Amy ... aren't their nests such a work of art? We have been watching a pair of Blackbirds stealing the hanging basket coir liner for their nest building. Fascinating ... :o)
31 May, 2015
What a Great picture Amy, such pretty eggs too, I hope they all hatch out safely,how lovely for you having a new little family of Great Tits to nest in your garden ;0))
31 May, 2015
Take care , Amy . You two having to get into contortions to get the pictures !
Could do yourselves a mischief if you're not careful . :o))
1 Jun, 2015
I hope so to Carole :o) we may have to send for you to untangle us Julia Lol ....
2 Jun, 2015
Goodness me so many eggs, I do hope they all hatch out for you...
2 Jun, 2015
ohh, great ! Amy :-)
4 Jun, 2015
Fantastic photo, they will copy and follow mum at least they are safe for now.
6 Jun, 2015
Awesome pic! Do you think they can handle 2 feet to get out? They might need your help?
6 Jun, 2015
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Wow! Thats amazing! Lucky you. Was just saying to OH that we shall put some nesting boxes up in the autumn. We do have a couple of house sparrow nests and one Swallows nest, but we cant see any of them. We did have a Blackbird nesting in the log pile, but OH disturbed it accidentally, not knowing it was there, and the birds abandoned it. Blackbirds do nest in stupid places. :(
31 May, 2015