Self seeded buddleia
By Janey

25 Jul, 2008
I seem to have lots of self-seeded buddleias this year, lavender and white varieties, so am hopeful that we may attract lots of butterflies.
Comments on this photo
That's lovely Jacque, I like the way they can grow out of a wall or through a crack at the base of a wall and become a really strong shrub. I wonder what colours you've got. The white ones seem to have a brighter green stem with a silver sheen.
25 Jul, 2008
Oh, you have a canary! I love canaries. I don't have one now mostly cause when my last one died in 1982 I couldn't justify paying so much for another one. Hardly anyone raises them in the US anymore and it is now illegal to import them, so they are very expensive. I got my first one from my grandmother when I was 7. They are great!
25 Jul, 2008
Well ucan enjoy Janeys now Wohlibuli :)
25 Jul, 2008
beautiful display of plants janey
25 Jul, 2008
are canaries expensive there wohlibuli? cheap ( excuse the pun lol ) over here in ireland
25 Jul, 2008
Because of import bans and the rarity of breeders, and different states regulations, they are hard to find and expensive!
26 Jul, 2008
Jasper's a Spanish canary Wohlibuli, we brought her back with us, she has her papers, but when Ian arrived at Bilbao in northern Spain she wasn't allowed on board Brittany Ferries, so he travelled right through France and she was allowed on at St. Malo! Needless to say she's cost us an arm and a leg,but is worth it. We bought her as a male bird but she laid eggs, she sings though and alarms us to Poppy when she's mischeiving!
26 Jul, 2008
Lovely flowers janey.......My sister's favourite Dasies..:>)
17 Jan, 2010
Those daisies were great that year....last year not so many blooms...think they need splitting...:o(
17 Jan, 2010
The flowers are lovely as shown in this great photo! Good job Janey.
6 Feb, 2010
Thanks Gg.....those flowers were so long! May treat the garden to a smaller variety this spring...:o)
6 Feb, 2010
this is ture? it is a Scenery
8 Jul, 2010
Thank you Xcyx.....there were lots of flowers that year....this year we are having hot weather, but no rain.....:o(
8 Jul, 2010
oh,dear janey,i am sorry to hear that。
by the way,what is the little white flower?
17 Jul, 2010
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i Luv Buddleias Janey :) My sister gave me 3 that were growing in her Flower Containers & i planted them in my garden last yr &this yr theyv got flower budsr & r much bigger :)
25 Jul, 2008