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Actinidia kolomikta


By Amy

Actinidia kolomikta

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Looking so much better than ours.........still being eaten it might have to be removed, going to be more ruthless if it doesn't look good then out it comes!!

27 May, 2016


What a shame I love the foliage this has loads of white flowers as well ...

27 May, 2016


This is a lovely vine but unfortunately mine died :-(

27 May, 2016


Mine has the poorest foliage ever, got the pink and white ends frosted this year.

27 May, 2016


Mine is looking very poorly too, hardly any new growth. Not sure what to do with it! It was seeing how beautiful yours is that made me buy one, Amy, so any hints would be appreciated. Perhaps its too wet in my garden?

28 May, 2016


I'm sorry I don't have any answers ,I have two this one covering a large section of the house wall plus another covering a shed wall they both look amazing I have also taken cutting which I've given away I'm told are doing well , mine are both planted in full sun apart from that they are left to fend for themselves , no problems ....

28 May, 2016


I planted mine on the archway, it did OK the first year but hs almost disappeared this year. I wonder if it needs a wall for warmth.

28 May, 2016


I believe they do like something to 'Lean' on Gill, The wall mine is on is like a storage heater in the full sun ...

29 May, 2016


Amy, the one you sent me is next to a south facing wall, although it was frosted badly a few weeks ago, sigh . Love it though, thank you

30 May, 2016


Its a shame about the frost Dawn It will recover and be stronger next year , guess what the storm last night brought the supports holding mine to the wall down its all on the ground this morning plus some roses broken away from their arches , more work to repair the damage :o(

31 May, 2016


Oh no Amy, how sad.

1 Jun, 2016


It is supposed to be hardy in my climate zone...but I have a feeling it's not going to do anything here. I see it all the time on stone walls and fancy arbours in gardening mags and drool. it's so pretty, does your bear fruit, Amy?

2 Jun, 2016


I'm afraid not Lori just small white flowers ...

2 Jun, 2016

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