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My OH with our eldest granddaughter a vegetarian restaurant

My OH with our eldest granddaughter a vegetarian restaurant

Because he has been eating the same food as me, he has lost a stone!! trying to feed him back up again..!!

Comments on this photo


What delightful photo grandaughter and grand dad together a photo to cherish. Your grand daughter is very pretty and looks healthy also your OH looks good and healthy .

14 Jul, 2017


Lovely photo ... I think I should put my OH on your diet!

15 Jul, 2017


lol Shirley tulip.

15 Jul, 2017


I think I should put myself on your diet! Lol ;)

15 Jul, 2017


A beautiful photo one for the family album , If Peter feels healthier he may not want to put weight back on Angela your lovely Granddaughter will have her work cut out keeping up with you both once you're fit again :o))

16 Jul, 2017


Karen you wouldn't like it I can assure you, have lost two stone!!
Thank you all for your kind comments....

16 Jul, 2017


Oh gosh that is a lot Angela , We have our son and one of the Grandsons staying with us ,I'll PM you as soon as they've gone out for the day x

16 Jul, 2017


Lovely photo Angela.

19 Jul, 2017


A wonderful photo of your beautiful Granddaughter and a doting Grandad, can see they have a special for his weight loss,and your gain..I'm sure it will right itself in the end..:o) x

19 Jul, 2017


Did you need to lose that weight - it sounds a lot.
I also lost 2st, went down to 6 1/2 but they told me to start using full milk & eat snacks like crisps, plus these build you up drinks etc, since then diet has changed again, now I'm on chicken & fish, so boring!
Your OH looks healthy, mine could do with losing that weight tho.

20 Jul, 2017


Green finger it is because of the acid reflux not the cancer! so its just very healthy eating, and nothing nice lol!! chicken and fish is what I am OH is trying to regain the 14lbs he lost, so a beer is in order, and cake and biscuits lol!!
Sandra thank you , Catherine is a very special young lady....I don't know how we would do without her sometimes!!
thanks Cinders, Amy and Karen, thanks also to Shirley, (it is a very tough diet to follow, no rewards at all) also HB and 3pence for your kind comments....

21 Jul, 2017


My chicken & fish diet is due to gall stones not the other thing but I'm not losing weight, rarely eat deserts so must be all the veggies.

21 Jul, 2017


Oh that's nasty Gf.......I hope to know more by Monday, could be so many things when the gut is involved!!

23 Jul, 2017


Fingers crossed for you, Angela x

23 Jul, 2017


Thank you......will pm you, results same day, so they say..xx

23 Jul, 2017

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