All together now!
By Bathgate
- 17 Nov, 2017
Canadian Geese
Comments on this photo
Plump enough for the table, just joking!
18 Nov, 2017
That's a bonus!
18 Nov, 2017
I was thinking that too Siris; butter baised with roasted potatoes, carrots & onions.
18 Nov, 2017
Once I tried duck from an Asian supermarket's eatery. Nothing special. I'm too used to Chicken or Turkeys.
18 Nov, 2017
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, six geese a laying..... (bit early yet Paul but it came to mind....)
19 Nov, 2017
LOL I don't want what these geese are laying. no thanks! Merry Christmas.
19 Nov, 2017
Ha!..could be compost. Think positive!
22 Nov, 2017
Years ago I rescued a Canada Goose, I tucked it underneath my arm and took it back down to the river, where I fed it on grain for a couple of weeks then it went back to the flock and was o.k.
24 Nov, 2017
Nice story Linda. Very rewarding to help out defenseless creatures. I once found a nest of baby robins in a brown paper bag. One died, but two grew up and flew off with their orange & brown feathers. I overturned my entire garden looking for enough worms for them.
24 Nov, 2017
I used to keep geese & raise the goslings for market but I could never bring myself to eat one - they have too much character. Strangely, I had no problem eating the ducks we raised though.
We also used & sold the eggs of both, they are delicious, 1 goose egg = 1 omelette, or 2 for ducks.
24 Nov, 2017
wow, that sounds great. Julia Child said the best omelettes are made with 2-3 eggs but she wasn't thinking goose. Must be rewarding to raise your own.
24 Nov, 2017
It was a good time, Paul.
If you're interested you can read all about them on Honeysuckle's blog, she & I each wrote stories about our geese.
24 Nov, 2017
I will take a look - here is Julia Child's Omelette Show. I love that she chose the pan from Woolworth's over the 'status' pan.
24 Nov, 2017
Good to know I make omelettes the right way except I use milk instead of water & tarragon instead of parsley.
24 Nov, 2017
I love tarragon and usually grow it fresh in my herb garden. It's great in mashed potatoes. Can chickens, ducks & geese all co-habitat?
24 Nov, 2017
Well, yes & no, they can wander about free range to a certain extent if the area is big enough but its best for them to have their own areas & you need to shut them up in their own shed for the night.
I wrote in Honeysuckles blog about how Dilly, the Aylesbury duck was a real pain as he fancied the big 'ol gals (geese) & we'd have to chase him back to his part of the garden. The geese had the front & orchard area & the ducks the back, the walled garden was between the two & the childrens pet rabbits hopped about in that. Our garden was about an acres & a half.
I've never kept hens though.
25 Nov, 2017
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You have to appreciate all the wild animals now. No more snobbery of it being yellow bellied or rare!
17 Nov, 2017