Rhipsalis baccifera with berries.
By Hywel

21 Jan, 2019
Comments on this photo
Thank you ... Yes it had flowers but they are green and tiny and you can hardly see them.
21 Jan, 2019
They look like mistletoe berries.
22 Jan, 2019
That is an interesting one, Hywel.
22 Jan, 2019
How unusual to be green small but special
22 Jan, 2019
Yes, another interesting plant, Hywel.
23 Jan, 2019
I just looked it up Hywel and it said Mistletoe cactus. How thick am I?
23 Jan, 2019
Thank you all ... it's several years old.
You're not thick Chris, you noticed it looked like mistletoe so what else would it be called :)
23 Jan, 2019
I'm sorry, I put the wrong name on it but I have changed it now ...
23 Jan, 2019
Interesting plant, Hywel! I, too, thought of Mistletoe but I've never seen this plant before.
24 Jan, 2019
Thanks Balcony. I have mentioned this several times over the years but I don't expect people to remember every photo I post lol
25 Jan, 2019
I remember you posting pictures of this plant before Hywel. I meant to ask before...does it take a lot of looking after?
26 Jan, 2019
Thanks Julia, it's an easy plant, It doesn't like direct sunshine and I water it when I remember to do so.
26 Jan, 2019
Sound like my kind of plant lol! Incidentally, the Bromeliad you sent me a couple of years ago has done really well until this year, when the flowers have been sparse and thin. Any ideas what's wrong?
26 Jan, 2019
Thank you, my Bromeliads have not flowered for a few years. I think they need repotting and feeding.
27 Jan, 2019
I thought that might be the case. I'll get on to it asap. Thanks Hywel.
29 Jan, 2019
Bromeliads don't really need repotting as they don't extract nutrients from their roots, they are there to anchor the plants to branches mainly.
I have one in a 3" pot that has been there for I don't know how many years & it looks as heathy as the day our daughter gave it to her mum! I only ever feed them in the funnels as that is where they get their nutrition from.
I have a second, bigger one, given to me 4 or 5 years ago which has never been repotted yet almost every year it has produced several funnels from offsets that it forms & which transform into burgundy red funnels! In fact it is now starting to change colour, from green to reddish.
29 Jan, 2019
Thank you Balcony ... The plant in question is Bilbergia. It isn't one of the ones with a funnel. I've always watered the roots but it may also like water poured into the centre of the leaves. I've never done that though and they seem to thrive.
30 Jan, 2019
Thanks Hywel.
30 Jan, 2019
Ah, OK, Hywel. Bilbergias need a slightly different treatment from Bromeliads.
31 Jan, 2019
Thank you :)
1 Feb, 2019
That's different......most attractive though!
12 Feb, 2019
Thank you :)
13 Feb, 2019
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That's a nice one does it have flowers before the berries.
21 Jan, 2019