My Watergarden

9 Aug, 2008
This is a photo of my big watergarden taken from my kitchen window, August 9,2008. It is a four season garden. In the spring there are daffodils, iris, tulips, and forget me nots in bloom. The tree hanging over the petunias is a Rose of China, and is covered in little pink rose like blooms.The weigelia is also covered in pink blooms.
In the summer, there are rudbeckias, petunias, water hyacinths, water lilies, sedum, hosta, lavender, lilies, butterfly bush, sage, dahlias, daylilies... You can find birds taking baths in the lower falls most of the day.
In the fall, the butterfly bush is covered with monarch butterflies, the sedum change from light pink to dark burgundy.
In the winter, the birds flit from the feeders to the pine trees. The mourning doves are often seen drinking from the open hole in the ice. It is lovely all year long.
Comments on this photo
Thank you, Chris, It is a bit of heaven! I built it myself, it is 16x18 feet. Most of the rocks around it came from the hole I dug. It was worth all of the work, as it is the most relaxing garden I have.
9 Aug, 2008
Sounds like it is a true delight!!
9 Aug, 2008
Wow, It's gorgeous!!
9 Aug, 2008
Love the pond.
9 Aug, 2008
Amazing job...! It looks as if it's always been there, quite an acomplishment !
10 Aug, 2008
I could sit there all day.
10 Aug, 2008
truly wonderful, well done
10 Aug, 2008
i think im Dreaming!!! such a Beautiful Place :)
10 Aug, 2008
Love the planting around your pond, I need to build a bigger pond as my fish are getting to big for it.
18 Aug, 2008
Yesterday, I had to go in and pull some of the overgrowth out, as the water celery had grown so much you couldn't even see the water going over the falls.
I know the feeling about needing to have a bigger pond...
This pond started out as a 4x6 with a small waterfall, not deep enough for fish. Now it's about 16x18 feet and has about 50 fish and LOTS of frogs, and some snakes too.
How big is yours?
It is my favorite place to be.
19 Aug, 2008
Wonderful, so tranquil.
1 Sep, 2008
26 May, 2009
Wonderful! I would have loved to plant up mine with water lillies- but was shocked at how expensive they were! I would lose sleep worrying about them! Well done you!
8 Aug, 2009
Water lilies are actually very easy to grow.I have white, yellow, pink and salmon colored ones. I too shied away because of the expense, then 2 friends with ponds gave me some of theirs, as they need to be divided often. My pond is now 75% covered in less than 2 years, and I've only purchased one plant the rest are the ones from my friends.
9 Aug, 2009
Beautiful and very natural looking. I could sit here for hours! ;)
11 Mar, 2012
that's really lovely ~ me too karen!
2 Jan, 2013
See you there Sticki...don't forget to bring cake! :)
2 Jan, 2013
no problem! which sort this time? i dont have a recipe for waterlily cake!!
2 Jan, 2013
Lol....Sticki, it was my son Callum's 21st body yesterday and I made chocolate carrot cake.....takes some beating, so perhaps I should make the cake for YOU!
2 Jan, 2013
ooooooooooh yes please ~ chocolate carrot cake sounds really good.
2 Jan, 2013
If you ever get to upstate New York in the summer, you can look me up. It doesn't look quite as colorful right now!
3 Jan, 2013
:) will do!
3 Jan, 2013
ok, many thanks Readby!
My grandfather was born in Syracuse, New York State!!!!
3 Jan, 2013
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So serene.
9 Aug, 2008