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Clematis Rooguchi.

Clematis Rooguchi.

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That's beautiful. Loving the colour.

14 Jun, 2020


You've reminded me, I had this once. I wonder where it went?

14 Jun, 2020


Thats lovely I was told once by a man who owned a small holding garden centre if you train clematis around in stead of letting it climb up it produces more flowers hope you dont mind me telling you this.

15 Jun, 2020


You could wrap it round the oblisk until it reached the top then let it scramble .

15 Jun, 2020


Yes I did notice would be to late now as long as your happy with it thats what counts.

15 Jun, 2020


Wonderful colour.

15 Jun, 2020


I love the colour and the way it hangs down like little bells !I always forget to wrap clems round until its too late !

18 Jun, 2020


I wonder what happened to ours?

18 Jun, 2020

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This photo is of "Clematis Rooguchi." in Meadowland's garden

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