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Rainbow 🌈 over the Humber


By Kate123

Rainbow 🌈 over the Humber

Stopped the other day at Winteringham to take a picture of this lovely rainbow. We’d been having sunshine and showers all morning. One end seems to settle right on the Humber estuary.

Comments on this photo


That's a huge rainbow!

9 Jan, 2021


Thanks ladies! It was visible for some time, I had several opportunities and took a few pics on the way. I could see the other end of it but couldn’t quite capture the full rainbow!

9 Jan, 2021


Did you find the gold?
Beautiful work of art. It would make a good subject for a watercolour.

9 Jan, 2021


Brilliant photo Kate

9 Jan, 2021


Lovely pic Kate.

Yes Ange, if you can capture the light! I know I couldn’t do it justice with my rusty skills, but maybe a braver soul might have a go ...

9 Jan, 2021


Sheila, I'm very good at volunteering other people for things I couldn't do!

9 Jan, 2021


Wonderful photo! It's no too often you see a rainbow as bright as that one. What a good thing you had your camera with you.

9 Jan, 2021


Aw thank you Ange! Right moment and time..I’d have had to jump into the Humber to find the gold!!!💰

Thank you Lesley ☺️

Sheila, thank you! I’d try to give it a go too,but, I’m not sure if my artistic skills are still up to scratch! I’m sure Ange could give it a go! 😆😆

Sue, I’ve always got my phone with me and it’s pretty good at taking pics, saying that, I do often take the proper camera out with me. It’s the first rainbow in ages that looked so colourful!

Paul, I was sort of following it as I drove along!!! One end looked like it was dipping in the estuary and the other end finishing across the fields. I was tempted to catch it and find the treasure 💰 but, the thought of being soaked jumping into the freezing cold water...I gave it a miss 😆

10 Jan, 2021


Kate: no sense of adventure...!

10 Jan, 2021


Ange - I know!!! I envy those “Boxing Day” swimmers. It’s a ritual for the hardiest of folk!! 😁

11 Jan, 2021


Spectacular capture........ well done.

11 Jan, 2021


Thank you Dd. ☺️

11 Jan, 2021


Good photo Kate. It never ceases to amaze me to see a rainbow. The sun reflecting through raindrops causing a prism of light so beautiful.
If only there was a pot of gold, but I'd probably give it away to help others if I found it.

15 Jan, 2021


Lovely. Never seen a rainbow looking almost vertical. Only just found this photo. "My heart jumps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky". etc, etc, Wordsworth.

16 Jan, 2021


Thank you, Linda. I’d be the same, I’d end up giving it away to people who are in need x

16 Jan, 2021


Thank you, Josee. I couldn’t resist taking a snap.
You have me looking up Wordsworth and reconnecting with poetry now 😊

16 Jan, 2021


Good point Josee . . . it's wonderful isn't it :)

17 Jan, 2021


Here's one for you Kate.

She woke at dawn,
and that's how she got her name,
a pure white unicorn.

When the sun rose,
and the sky turned orange, then pink,
Dawn stretched down to her toes.

She tossed her mane,
swished her tail and neighed,
then galloped across the grassy plain.

Dawn's spiral horn,
sensed raindrops falling from the sky,
and a magical rainbow was born.

Dawns white coat glowed,
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet,
as the magic flowed.

wrote this a few days ago.

18 Jan, 2021


Absolutely lovely. It should be published ( perhaps you have a collection of unpublished poetry)? If so, get it out there. I am saving this one, if that's ok.

18 Jan, 2021


Thankyou Feverfew, we self publish and this one's going into a children's booklet. I give them away in our local community. I thought it fitted in well with the lovely picture. You're very welcome. x

19 Jan, 2021


Oh that is just beautiful, Linda! You are so very talented.
Reading it; it evokes so much joy and vitality, blissfulness and a sense of youth.
Absolutely love it! Xx

19 Jan, 2021

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