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One end of a border ... for my records.

One end of a border ... for my records.

Just as a reminder for next year to see what I have kept or discarded! There is a path between the taller shrubs and the medium ones, not easy to see right now though.

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Really pretty. A great mix of sizes and shapes, Shirley.

5 Jul, 2021


That looks super Shirley. I love the different heights and hues.

5 Jul, 2021


Thanks both ... to think when we moved here the garden was all lawn, one long border across the middle with a lone Camellia shrub!

6 Jul, 2021


That's a good idea Shirley! It looks lovely!

6 Jul, 2021


How long ago was that Shirley? Just to give me an idea how long I have to wait before mine looks half as good.

6 Jul, 2021


Julia, we have been here almost twenty years now and the very back area stayed as lawn for some years, then we tried growing veg but too shady from the huge Plum tree in the garden behind ours. That's when the 'shrubbery' idea came along. Do you remember there were 3 tall Cordylines in the garden once? I shall see if I can find the blog I posted about them.

Here it is Julia . . . August 2015 in my blogs if you wish to take a look!

All change!
By shirley_tulip

When we moved here in 2001, a few cherished plants and shrubs were potted up and brought from our previous garden. Among them were three Cordylines in medium sized pots which, after a couple of years, were planted in the garden itself.

6 Jul, 2021


Gorgeous border, Shirley! Full of summer colour and lushness. I shall have a look at your blogs.

6 Jul, 2021


Yes, I remember something about this blog Shirley. It looks as if I'm going to have to be patient with my garden...ah well, the joys of gardening lol!

7 Jul, 2021


Thanks Kate . . . :o)

Julia, if larger shrub specimens weren't so flippin' expensive you could plant some of those. I always groan when I see huge trees and/or shrubs being installed in garden makeover progs., the cost is ridiculous!

7 Jul, 2021


I agree. I love watching Mr Titchmarsh and his make overs, although I don't always agree with his designs (I often wonder where they are going to hang out the washing?) but the cost runs into thousands and thousands of pounds.

9 Jul, 2021


Shirley your border looks beautiful and the colours in it are very pretty indeed.

11 Jul, 2021


Julia, I have only seen one make-over prog. where the owners insisted on having a washing line across their garden!

Hello Chris, thanks so much for looking in . . . :o)

12 Jul, 2021


I watched Alan this week working on small gardens this time. I was hoping to pick up some tips for my new little plot, but once again although it all looked very nice I had to say to myself 'Where are is the washing line?' and one garden before he began had a couple of Wheelie bins. As if by magic when the make-over was finished they had disappeared!

16 Jul, 2021


They must think we don't notice these things!

17 Jul, 2021

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