The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Little and Large


By Janey

Little and Large

These two stayed snuggled inside this cosmos flower all morning. I did come to check a few times and as I got close, the bumble bee kept putting his leg out as if to ward me off...

Comments on this photo


Fabulous photo, Janey, gave me a smile to start the day!

22 Aug, 2021


Thanks Shirley, yes me too when.I saw them!

22 Aug, 2021


Added to my faves, Janey! Smashing detailed pic!

22 Aug, 2021


Janey, whilst sitting in the garden earlier I saw one Verbena Bonariensis smothered in Bees and Hoverflies for ages. Not sure what was so special about that specific plant as there are others in my garden!

22 Aug, 2021


Oh thank you Kate..:))

Well they know their favourites don't they Shirley. That one must have been giving away free nectar!

22 Aug, 2021


Great pic Janey!

22 Aug, 2021


I think he's put his leg out to keep the smaller Bee to his own side!

23 Aug, 2021


bee language for: come no closer... I'll sting if I have to~... but being a gentleman bumblebee I'll just lift my leg in warning! my Mandy loved to watch them...huge snout looming over the poor creature... one day she snapped her big jaws around mr. bumble and chewed furiously (like it was hot) and gulp! smacked her lips with gusto and from then on, no bees were safe! still don't understand what she found so appetizing!

23 Aug, 2021


Great photo. I rescued a bumblebee that was still for a long time on the floor. I got him on my hand, and they always put a leg in the air when I do that but they come on to my hand to warm up, then I give them a bit of honey but make sure it's local honey and not foreign honey. Usually they feed and fly off with the energy. I used to keep bees, so am used to them.

25 Aug, 2021


Thanks Sheila..:))

Haha Siris...I bet he has a deep voice too...
Oy, shift up!!

Wow Lori, did she really?? What sort of dog was she? Assuming she was a dog..:-D
Poor old bees, no wonder their numbers are decreasing, your Mandys hoovering them all up!

I wonder why they do that Linda, a defence mechanism no doubt. That's great, good job Lori's Mandy wasn't around!

25 Aug, 2021

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