Raised bed
By Janey

19 Oct, 2022
This is my raised bed now Autumn is here. I took out cosmos that had filled it all summer and planted two beautiful hydrangeas. One a mophead, with no label and the other a macrophylla, Taube. I'm hoping that eventually the perennials will fill it, but I can't let go of the antirhinnums just yet or the erigeron k. I've popped in heucheras, split from larger plants. I'm so pleased with it..:))
Comments on this photo
Thanks Rose..:)
It's a Crab apple Butterball. It was in a tub before, then it was going to my daughters, then it stayed here, so it's done ok for a year. x
19 Oct, 2022
Thnks Janey! x
19 Oct, 2022
Janey, no wonder you are pleased with it. It looks fabulous!
19 Oct, 2022
It looks really lovely Janey.
19 Oct, 2022
It’s so lovely Janey - a real credit to you! The Erigeron is a great foil too … very pretty with all the other plants 🙂. x
19 Oct, 2022
As much as I love squirrels Julia, that must be so annoying! I haven't done my bulbs yet, but they'll be in pots but there are crocus in the bed from last year. Firefly, I hope they've multiplied this year they're really dainty pale mauve.
Aw, thanks Shirley and Hb ..:))
Thanks very much Sheila, yes I've transplanted others to the other side of the garden, but this little plant is lovely! What do you think Sheila, having Hakenachloa planted in the garden? I have my plant still in its pot, but wondered about edging the raised bed with it? I'll have to smash the pot to get it out! x
19 Oct, 2022
Janey, my Hakonechloa are now all in borders, tho’ used to be in pots, and are thriving 🙂. Once out of the pot(!) they are quite happy being split (Spring is best). Good idea - I think they’re great for edging with their cascading habit. Lots of luck. x
19 Oct, 2022
Thanks Sheila! I'll leave it till spring then.
I did treat myself to an Acer a month or so ago. It'll have bright golden/green fan shape leaves which turn dark orange in autumn. (They've already blown.off!) I've planted it in a heavy pot. Just an experiment, as my gardens not good for Acers.
19 Oct, 2022
You have made a wonderful raised bed there,Janey! 😀
20 Oct, 2022
Oh thank you Balc!
20 Oct, 2022
That's looking really lovely. Acers don't mind being in pots, I have one that's been in a pot for ten years. I water it and feed it now and again. I prune it in the Autumn, then before it gets it's leaves on in the Spring I cut out any dead wood. We have bonsai acers too. They like semi shade, but are do gooders in the garden.
20 Oct, 2022
Thanks Linda. I had wanted this bed with acers in it, but hardly any sun reaches it, and none from now till March. I'll take note of your care. Bonsai acers, wow, they must be fabulous!
21 Oct, 2022
Janey, my Acers don’t get much sun at all, and it doesn’t seem to affect them. I think the main thing is that they’re sheltered from the wind … x
21 Oct, 2022
That's it Sheila, often strong east winds can.blow straight down the garden in winter. I'll put it undercover next month. x
21 Oct, 2022
It looks very pretty Janey ,you wouldn't think it was October would you , you might find the Erigeron k will seed in the gravel below the planter mine have , also the antirrhinums I had one in the gravel in my front garden ,it must have been a freebie from the birds this year they are growing all over the place I was going to pull them up but then decided to leave them ,You can have some seed if you need any xx
23 Oct, 2022
Thank you Amy, I know, things have really lasted this year, even after all the heat.
I grew these antirrhinums from seed they did take a while to come on, but the erigeron grew like wildfire! Ooh yes please Amy I'd love some seed please. x
24 Oct, 2022
You're welcome Janey , I'll collect some today as it's nice and sunny the seed should be dry ...
26 Oct, 2022
Ooh lovely..:o)) x
26 Oct, 2022
Loving your new raised bed…..and the planting….
19 Nov, 2022
Thanks Dd. I must admit, I'm really pleased with it. It and the resin has made such a difference to the garden.
20 Nov, 2022
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It looks good Janey! You have made a really good job of it and your husband would have been proud! What is the tree in the centre? x
19 Oct, 2022