Clear evidence early this morning.
By Meadowland

18 Jan, 2023
Over the years we have lived here,many vehicles have used the drive entrance as a turning bay sometimes long camper vans....with vehicles such as those it was quite dangerous if our grandchildren were in the drive...obviously wouldn't be seen.Sometimes they stop only to use their mobile phones which I suppose is safer ,but please not in my drive!
We decided to fix a polite notice to the wall ' no turning or stopping please'...most people are respectful but there are the half dozen who just don't care.
It is a bug bare of mine...perhaps when I was younger working it wouldn't have bothered me much.So sorry about the any of you experience similar irritations locally...thankfully the neighbours here are well trained,if you know what I mean....we like them very much.
Comments on this photo
We live next to a primary school, and some of the mums can’t bear to walk a few yards so park right across the top of our drive, presumably thinking “I’m only going to be a few moments”. It’s mildly annoying if a grocery delivery is due!
18 Jan, 2023
It seems to me these days, some people don't seem to care about anything and do as they please. Perhaps they have never been taught about manners and consideration for others. If it were me I'd put up gates.
19 Jan, 2023
Our drive backs on to a small street and we have large double gates and sometimes people in their cars ignore this and ( although I can eventually get out) it is very annoying.
I did leave a note on a large van once ane he never did it again.
19 Jan, 2023
Well we have have a lad near us who has another load of lads who revs an engine and rev it and rev , rev , rev and is standing there like it's beautiful . Never got the love of a car engine sound really haven't. Also a motorbike used to rev for ages , I mean it's a noise of an engine for hell sake, what's the appeal !!!
We also have someone who reverses into driveway and lights point right up at the bedroom .
I could go on for an hour of car pet hates lol
Then there's the papping horn when driving off - why ????
I even simply hate the sound of closing car doors lol
19 Jan, 2023
Our neighbour across the road owns a camper van and recently has been using our drive as part of his manoeuvre to reverse into his gateway. My husband politely asked him not to do it and since then he hasn’t!!
I totally appreciate you not wanting people encroaching on your drive and it must be so annoying when they ignore your request to stay away.
Have manners changed for the worse over the years?
19 Jan, 2023
Some people put a gate there. Others sling a chain across and hope the nuisances can't be bothered to unfasten it.
19 Jan, 2023
When we’ve spoken to them reasonably, they take the point … but then another thoughtless one comes along! We try to time our own “exits and entrances” for when the children are not going past - usually running or on their scooters. Most mums are watchful, but some are on their phones, so if I have to go out when they’re around I gently toot my horn for safety.
20 Jan, 2023
Have to say, we're very fortunate..fingers crossed. We don't seem to have any issues. We do live on s cul de sac and there's plenty space to manoeuvre. There's even a little turning area/space for 2 parked vehicles in one corner if needed. I don't envy many of you, it sounds very frustrating.
21 Jan, 2023
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I had this problem in the other house. it was annoying. And they used to stop outside the house to use their phones with their engines still running, and although the front garden was between us, that was very annoying too.
18 Jan, 2023