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New perennials

New perennials

Delighted with these!

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Some of the plants that I have just unwrapped from Pottertons Nursery ... they were exceptionally will packaged and still moist after their journey from Caistor, Lincs.

They include Phlox douglasii Crackerjack, Lewisia, Hepatica, Leptospermum, Phlox Chattahoochee, and three Androsace sarmentosa (out of the picture). I you like small, hardy perennials, I recommend them.

Isn't it great to be thinking of Spring?!

8 Feb, 2023


it's exciting isn't it . love the thought of all these coming up

8 Feb, 2023


Thanks Paul. I have had a follow up email from Pottertons about after care for the plants … so useful. Amazing service!

8 Feb, 2023


Thanks Julia, I recommend them.

Thank you Klahanie. Not sure whether Leptospermum will survive here either … the seller said they keep theirs in the greenhouse!

9 Feb, 2023


I agree Sheila! I sent for some perennials a few weeks back which are still in the greenhouse waiting for milder weather!

10 Feb, 2023


Hope they do well for you Sheila.

11 Feb, 2023


Thanks Rose and Linda.

11 Feb, 2023


What a treat Sheila, to unwrap these. And not far from me, Caistor...:))

12 Feb, 2023


Thanks Janey 🙂. I did wonder whether they might be in your area, and their prices seem very competitive. One plant I bought for £4 was £18 in the Hayloft catalogue!

12 Feb, 2023


Really? Good grief, thank goodness you bought from Pottertons. Caistor itself is very pretty, built on a high ridge, I think it must be one of the heights, so steep roads with quaint cottages and a library/ cafe with book rooms that Sarah Beeny helped to convert.. x

12 Feb, 2023


What a delightful description Janey … Caistor sounds well worth a visit. x

12 Feb, 2023


Thank you Sheila, I aim to please..Haha!
Leafy lanes of Lincolnshire. Somerby nearby too where Sir Alfred Lord Tennyson was born. x

12 Feb, 2023


I'm not surprised you're delighted, Sheila! A great purchase selection here. It's very exciting now we're into Spring, half way through February already!
Caistor, one of my regular places to visit with my job, Janey. I've posted some pics in the past.

15 Feb, 2023


Thank you Kate 🙂. The little Hepatica already has two pretty blue flowers, making me smile 🙂.

16 Feb, 2023


Lovely 👍

17 Feb, 2023

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