Malva moschata Alba, for Ange
By Sheilabub

5 Jul, 2023
The white Mallow which has seeded itself since last year
Comments on this photo
I had forgotten that I’d sent you seed, and forgotten all about Cannabina … things aren’t going to get any better, are they?! I’ll just Google Cannabina to remind me and let you know, if that’s ok …
5 Jul, 2023
Oh, ok the hollyhock lookalike. It’s certainly pretty Ange, but have I left it too late for this summer?
5 Jul, 2023
Oh dear, I just misread that as Cannabis plant!!! Time for a lie-down methinks.
5 Jul, 2023
No, Sheila, they are quite healthy young plants and perennial. They should flower next season, late summer. The only thing I would say is they're usually 3-4ft. high, this year the oldest one is about 6ft.
Shirley, one year I accidently grew a cannabis plant from bird seed droppings. I had no idea what it was and kept it going because I liked the look of the leaves! It was only when I unpacked a book in the bookshop that had one designed on the cover that I realised what I had got. The part-time teenager in the shop thought it was hysterical that I could be such an innocent....
5 Jul, 2023
That's so funny, Ange. When our son was in the Police Force some years ago, they heard from another area that an elderly couple who lived in a remote part of the countryside had a huge one in their front garden. The Police were never sure if the old folk knew what it was ... or did they???!!
5 Jul, 2023
It’s a kind offer Ange, but I think I’ll pass this time. Even some weeding today has knocked me out, so I’m going to do less gardening for a bit, and more sitting 🙂.
5 Jul, 2023
6 Jul, 2023
Lots of flowers for such a young shrub. Lovely.
12 Jul, 2023
Thanks Linda, it's a favourite :)
12 Jul, 2023
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I have your seed to plant out soon. Are you still interested in the cannabina plants?
5 Jul, 2023