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Musa ‘White Iholena’ - White Iholena Bananas

Musa ‘White Iholena’ - White Iholena Bananas (Musa White Iholena)

My ~ 35 lb bunch of White Iholena Hawaiian bananas were cut down and are just starting to turn yellow. Photo taken December 5, 2023.

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Holy-Moley! that is so great!

12 Dec, 2023



Yes, it’s so nice to have home-grown bananas. They’re so much better than store bought bananas.

I had two more racks of bananas, but I cut one down this past Saturday, it was leaning too much.

13 Dec, 2023



Yes, this one is sweet, but not as sweet as my Mysore or Ice Cream (Java) bananas. It’s sweet like my Gold Finger bananas.

I have a new Namwa variety now. It’s supposed to be extremely sweet and have complex flavors.

13 Dec, 2023


Congrats Andy. Locally I drove by and saw a house with a large lemon tree full of lemons and the next house had a lush banana group with a large stalk of bananas- still green. It's more of exotic growing,growing all over the bay area catching on.

18 Dec, 2023



I didn’t get any Golden Finger bananas this year. I think two banana stalks will flower this coming March.

I remember people saying bananas couldn’t be grown in the SF Bay Area when I was a kid. But, my grandma grew beautiful, big bunches of three different varieties of bananas for decades. Every spring she had bags of chicken manure put around her bananas and gave them lots of water.

19 Dec, 2023


Lovely to actually be able to grow your own bananas Delonix. Banana split, banana cake, comes to mind.

19 Dec, 2023


Yes, it’s awesome to be able to grow bananas! They taste so much better than the store bought ones. I currently grow 5 varieties of banana.

19 Dec, 2023


How wonderful to be able to grow your own fruit, Andy! I've never had a banana that wasn't bought in a shop but I agree home-grown fruit is soo much better than shop bought fruit! When I was working with my friend from church on his allotment he had a assortment of fruit & to eat sun warmed fruit is so lovely! 👍

Fresh, sun warmed strawberries, plums, raspberries, even tomatoes, are so much more tasty & delicious than anything you can buy in a shop! 👍

19 Dec, 2023


Very true…homegrown fruit is so much better than anything purchased in a store.

23 Dec, 2023


Sunny.60f on a merry Christmas day!

25 Dec, 2023



Merry Christmas.

It was around 70 degrees on Christmas Day, warmer tomorrow.

26 Dec, 2023


What's really unusual Andy is that the low's have been all in the 40's,mainly mid to high 40's too. This could be that rare 10b winter in Hayland.

26 Dec, 2023


I thought I saw few nights in the upper 30’s in Hayward. But, I know it’s been very mild there I’ve seen a lot highs in the 60’s and lows mostly in the upper 40’ and low 50’s, which isn’t too cool for this time of year.

I’ve only seen lows in the 50’s to 60 here, only one early morning it hit 49 degrees. We had Santa Ana’s and downtown hit 45 degrees. It’s been cooler (for lows) in downtown SD than here (which is unusual).

26 Dec, 2023


According to WeatherUnderground we've had our coldest night at 40f.Still,by this time of year the 30's are a sure thing....except for this year-lol.

27 Dec, 2023


On the 19th of December,we had a high of 65 and a low of 60,THAT had to be a record. Climate change is not so slow..

27 Dec, 2023


That’s very mild weather there for this time of year.

We’re forecasted to get some rain on Saturday, but I don’t believe it, because the last so called “big storm” which we were forecasted to get 2 to 4 inches of rain. We received less than .25 of an inch rain. I’m still watering plants almost every day.

28 Dec, 2023


Today's high in the 65-66f range and a low of 54f. Unheard of for the time year. It's a relief to be free of watering by hand although-lol- I have those hoses that shrivel up. So far so good with neither springing a leak. They make hose watering and then rolling them up almost easy.

28 Dec, 2023



I saw 66 degrees in Hayward. That’s almost as warm as it was here. It was 69 degrees yesterday and 67 degrees today. The lows are staying in the low to mid 50’s.

29 Dec, 2023

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