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Last October….

Last October….

I took this from the development where our new house is currently being prepared for move in this February. The Hill is Duncliffe Woods, a beautiful bluebell woodland about 3 miles away. Further away are the towns of Gillingham and Mere close to Stourhead NT where we make frequent visits. I can’t wait for the day, coming soon, when this will be our closest dog walking area. The Estate has a large open landscaped park which has access to this field. It’s going to be lovely once it’s all finished. The area of lowland is The Vale of Blackmore, just beyond the Cranborne Chase and beside part of the Salisbury Plain. It is a beautiful area.

I was admitted to Salisbury Hospital suddenly, in an ambulance on New Year’s Eve following a very long and vomit night. I spent a week in there, the first 14 hours on a trolley in the A&E Corridor. Lucky for me I can’t remember much about it other than the rantings of more than one seriously disturbed patients who took up all the staff’s Time. After all the tests they diagnosed an inner ear complaint (though nobody has actually looked in my ears) which is untreatable. So I’m now back at home waiting to get better. Basically, it’s Vertigo. I am getting better, but it’s very slow and very frustrating. I feel fine as long as I stay horizontal! At least the world has stopped spinning now. For several days I couldn’t bear to open my eyes or even for Scott to sit on my bed. But now I just feel dizzy and nauseous. The recommended excercises have made no difference, so it’s just a waiting game I think. H

Happy New Year to all my GOY friends! Hope you are all in good health, and apologies if you’ve already heard my tale of woe! Xx

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Thanks Julia. I’ve had antibiotics, anti sickness and stematil. Nothing has helped. I’m so glad you got better quickly. I suspect I have an ear infection, but I have no pain or hearing loss, just tinnitus and the horrid dizziness and nausea. All the Drs I saw gave the same diagnosis. I read it can sometimes take months….sigh. But I am a bit better every day and I’m massively better than I was 2 weeks ago. Phew!

12 Jan, 2024


Looks like our place called Bardon Hill , love it there , hoping for a great 2024 for you

12 Jan, 2024


Thanks Paul!

12 Jan, 2024


sorry I meant to put I hope your ear complaint has got better ! I had a cholesteatoma caused by putting cotton wool bud in ear . I know dizziness is awful Karen and it makes you sick . Best guide is to NOT sit in dark ! Stare at an object or look and follow finger side to side slowly . Avoid salt and high sugar content , Hope it does improve - it's awful condition

12 Jan, 2024


So sorry to hear this, it must be very unpleasant.

12 Jan, 2024


Karen you have really been through it, you have had a dreadful few weeks and must feel so fed up.
I hope that you are gradually feeling better now and getting back to normal.

Get well soon Karen and take it easy for the time being.

12 Jan, 2024


I hope you make a good recovery from your dizziness Karen. I had the same a very long time ago and I totally sympathise with you. Just said a prayer for you. x

14 Jan, 2024


Thank you Paul. I just found an excellent Dr on YouTube who gives the eye exercises. I have been doing them, but I now understand this much better.

Thanks Ange x

Klahanie, they gave me Stematil which made me super sleepy. Thanks for your recommendation, I think it was Cetrizine though. I’m going to stay off the meds and try the deep breathing and eye exercises. Plus a regular neck and shoulder massage starting tomorrow. Yes! I am going to love our new home :)

Thank you Chris and Linda. I have lots of lovely friends praying for me and I know that is going to get me better. Bless you.

16 Jan, 2024


So sorry to hear about your dreadful ordeal Karen, just horrible. Good to know you’re improving slightly day by day. Be kind to yourself.

16 Jan, 2024


The now professor who did my ear is on youtube , Professor Peter Rae, he has great advice also .

16 Jan, 2024


Thanks Sheila, and thanks Paul. I will look him up. :)

16 Jan, 2024


So sorry to read this Karen. I do hope as each day passes you feel stronger and your dizzy periods lessen. It must be dreadful. It's surprising they didn't examine your ears. Hope the meds work and you'll soon be able to enjoy your new home and garden. x

16 Jan, 2024


Thanks Janey. The meds didn’t help at all, just knocked me out. I’m not taking anything now. But today I’ve had an excellent deep tissue massage, and that has helped considerably! I’m so pleased because I’m finding this very debilitating and it can take anything from a month to 3 months to go away! At this rate I will soon be better. Thank you so much for your kindness Janey x

17 Jan, 2024


Oh no - sounds like a slow process Karen. Wishing you a speedy recovery and I hope the move goes smoothly for you.

23 Jan, 2024


Thank you Muddy. I am definitely getting better, but struggling with the slowness of my recovery. I think there is an important lesson in it!

1 Feb, 2024


There must be Karen, just taking every day as it comes and coping with however things are on that day.
Easier said then done though. In January 2023 I woke up to shingles on the right side of my head and in my right eye. It's taken a year so far and can take up to 18 months for the nerves to heal. Luckily the sight is ok in my eye, but I'm still a numbskull!

2 Feb, 2024


Oh Janey, how horrible! Glad your eye is ok xx

2 Feb, 2024


Yes so am I! x

3 Feb, 2024

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