Sox Snoozing In Long Grass Area
By Jacque

20 Aug, 2008
Comments on this photo
Thanx Ladys :) is`nt it Funny How Sox is always Sleeping or Snoozing in his Photos lol :D
20 Aug, 2008
she,s lovely ,
20 Aug, 2008
Oh there she is with the camera again! How does she always find me!!
20 Aug, 2008
You're right, Jacques, just like my Tigger!
22 Aug, 2008
Yep..., the little darlings sleep sixteen hours a day. If reincarnation exists, hope I get to come back as a cat next time around, make that a male Don't care anything about dropping a litter every 6 months or I'm ready for alittle R and R ! Rest and relaxation.
23 Aug, 2008
From the look on his face, a do not disturb sign may be needed.
23 Aug, 2008
You are right Jacque, Sox (he or she??) is adorable and so like our little Rosie - altho' I hope Sox isn't as mischevious ....
26 Aug, 2008
Hi Terry60 Sox is a MALE cat, a Very Laid Back Fat Lazy Cat :D lol Every pic u see of him on my Photo Page he is Lazing around ! Hes5yrs old now& he dont do naughty things any more as all he likes 2 do is EAT lol :)He loves my Daughter 2bits &always rubs his head against her Face & nicks her comffy bed b4 she gets in2it :D
26 Aug, 2008
That sounds about right Jacque!!
He's more like my grey beauty (the poser on the bench in some of my other photos) who I love to bits and would forgive him ABSOLUTELY anything - even when he sprawls himself all over my potted plants !! (to sleep in the shade is his excuse ..... )
26 Aug, 2008
LOL o yes Sox sounds Just like Beauty Terry60 ,Sox likes My Green House when doors open he lays in the Seed Trays without acare in the world2 weather their wet/dry/Full/Empty :D
26 Aug, 2008
Ahh how lovely - they really do choose the strangest of places for a kip - just think of all that gritty earth under your bum and tum ....
My little chap has an umbrella he sits under when it rains (one of my older photos) !!!! One thing he doesn't like tho' is the wind and comes running straight back into the house - it ruffles his feathers and whiskers !! What on earth would we do Jacque without our little feline friends??
28 Aug, 2008
Life would be 2 boring without my 3Cats,Dog,Rabbit,2Guinpigs,Hamster,6African Snails&the 8Fish Terry60 lol :D
28 Aug, 2008
Blimey Jacque, you have a little zoo !!!! Do you charge an entrance fee when people come visiting ?? !! I bet it's busy at dinner time .....
28 Aug, 2008
LOL no i dont charge :D &it takes me about 15mins 2give them all breakfast in the morns so not2long :)
28 Aug, 2008
Flcrazy :
I want to come back in another life as one of my budgies... all males.... they are the best talkers!
However, the life of Sox looks pretty pleasant, doesn't it Jacque
29 Aug, 2008
O yes Our Sox has a Grand Life TT :)
29 Aug, 2008
Thanks Jacque I found him where you said he would be. A lovely pussa cat. Looks so happy and peaceful.
12 Feb, 2009
Thats Great Toto glad u Had a Browse Of The Encyclopedia did u find/see anything else with a interest 2u? Glad u like Sox hes a Very Conteneted Chilled&Loveing with it Cat Toto:)
13 Feb, 2009
Beautiful Sox :-)
1 Mar, 2009
Thanx Sarah :)
1 Mar, 2009
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Beautiful photo of Sox.
20 Aug, 2008