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Lucy again

Lucy again (Cockatiel)

I just love her already! I had a hard time with camera ssshake so did the best I could!

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Of course you do - she's lovely! Do they learn how to talk?

5 Sep, 2008


When Lucy moults,there'll be quite large, colourful feathers.
Those might make an interesting photo, too.

6 Sep, 2008


she is cute :D

6 Sep, 2008


Aw, shes gorgeous, just look at her little face, ........I love her!.......give her a little cuddle from me GloriaX

6 Sep, 2008


They do learn to talk, but are not as 'clear' as a budgie or the larger parrots. They love to whistle & dance. My Floyd whistles most of the 'Wizard of Oz' tunes and mimics a lot of bird calls as well as saying 'hello' and 'pretty boy', etc. Of course, like us, each bird has their own talents & preferences. Enjoy!

13 Sep, 2008


All my previous budgies have been great talkers, but my current budgerigar, Crocus is a little 'rescued' budgie, so he had a difficult start in life. He doesn't say words, but chatters away happily in budgie language and is great company. Lucy is lucky to have found such a good friend in Pollyannaever.
"Pollyannaever" - now that would be a long name for her to say - LOL

13 Sep, 2008


Thank you Grammazoo for the info. I have been to the cockatiel sites and the bird shop gave me printouts of the toxic foods and plants etc. so I am aware to be careful. The bird shop lady told me what you said about the talking and that the cockatiels are not as clear to understand as the budgies. I have had 4 budgies through out the years and have taught them all to talk. They were all males. Was told that the males are more whistley than the females and not that the males wouldn't be cuddley, but the females were more prone to cuddle but the males were the most prone for talking. I decided on a female this time and Lucy kind of picked me. I am trying to make a point of not encouraging the whistling though and asking family and friends not to do so. Of course the cockatiels call and that's fine, I just want to try not to have the whistling excessive being in an apt.

15 Sep, 2008


Its great she was hand reared itl be so much easier 2 tame her :) i had Male cockateil yrs ago &he was so clever we taught him2 whistle the Laural&Hardy Theme which he did a brill job of&every nite b4 bed he`d say good nite 2my 2 Dogs i had then lol he`d picked that up from me just saying goodnite 2the dags myself! :D

18 Sep, 2008

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This photo is of species Cockatiel.

This photo is of "Lucy" in Pollyannaever's garden

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