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Agapanthus or African Lily

Agapanthus or African Lily

These flowers really do make a statement in the garden. It thrives well in our mild climate near the coast. I brought the original piece of root back from Guernsey years ago and have split it many times to produce a number of clumps around the garden.

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That's beautiful.
Splitting this into clumps seems to have worked very well.
Does this type of Agapanthus have a more specific name?
I've never grown this, but am tempted seeing yours here. :o)

26 Sep, 2008


They are beautiful Reflection.

26 Sep, 2008


Hi Terratoonie.....
I think the variety I have is A. africanus and I’ve simply deduced that by comparing it with others of that variety. I have an interesting picture of one I grew in a container....... it had stopped flowering and I thought maybe it needed to be repotted. It had become so potbound that the only way out was to saw the pot into half. I’ll look out the picture and post it for you to see. Marion

26 Sep, 2008


Beautiful pic and garden Marion, love the agapanthus and poppy!

26 Sep, 2008


Just how I wish mine had looked - but too wet, or maybe just poor gardening!

26 Sep, 2008


I just love your agapanthus, I hope mine will look like yours one day, they are in pots at the moment, not sure whether to take them out and put them in the border, what do you think?

29 Sep, 2008


I hope mine will too. I have one in a pot that hasn't flowered yet.

30 Sep, 2008


Great I've Got Theese In My Garden, There Lovely

30 Sep, 2008


The entire picture is all the green and spots of color.

30 Sep, 2008


really nice sonny.

1 Oct, 2008


Very Beautiful , i have grown Agapanthus but they refuse to flower every year for me even though i do mulch every autumn.

2 Oct, 2008


Ditto, mine haven,t flowered either :(((

2 Oct, 2008


Thanks for all of your lovely comments everyone.... I see that some of you are having problems getting your agapanthus to flower...... if that is so, it maybe worthwhile checking out the following growing points........

Plant ONLY about 2 inches deep...... in full sun...... well drained & moderately fertile soil..... if its too rich it will only promote too much foliage..... water well during flowering season. I never cut foliage back after flowering, I read somewhere that the leaves gather sunlight that helps promote nourishment for next years flowers and also the long stems and seeds heads give an attractive shape to the winter garden.

3 Oct, 2008


I am fairly sure some time ago someone on GoY posted that agapanthus like to be pot-bound or in a tight clump to flower too.
Yours are lovely, Marion.

4 Oct, 2008


Thankyou for the tips reflection

6 Oct, 2008


Great colors here.

17 Oct, 2008


Lovely garden

21 Oct, 2008


beautiful flowers on a lovely spot of garden.

28 Aug, 2010

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