By Irish

22 Oct, 2008
valentine loves sitting on my knee wrapped up in a towel,,,, lol all our animals here are strange
Comments on this photo
thanks Tina, hard to believe by this photo that valentine is the bird from hell lol,
22 Oct, 2008
Lovely photo.
Gone on my favourites, with parrots and budgies. :o)
22 Oct, 2008
awww cheers TT
22 Oct, 2008
Valentine looks so cosy there Eileen cant imagine him being anything but sweet lol
22 Oct, 2008
trust me janette , hes evil lol but he does love being wrapped up like this
22 Oct, 2008
He looks cute all snuggled like that....even if he is evil
22 Oct, 2008
aye he does look cute like this , he maybe evil but i still love him lol
22 Oct, 2008
22 Oct, 2008
I think I see that mischevious glint in his eye Irish...LOL..such a cute shot.
22 Oct, 2008
I think he has an identity crisis. Sweet photo.
23 Oct, 2008
Ohhh looks so cosy , i can,t believe he,s anything but sweet :0)
23 Oct, 2008
Aw look at him all snuggled in he's lovely....but he does have a big beak! lol
24 Oct, 2008
lol aye janey , a very sharp beak
25 Oct, 2008
Hello Valentine...interesting how we assume sweetness in a bird! adopted a twelve year old lutino cockatiel three years ago, thinking he would be company for my widowed peach faced lovebird....LOL...I can hear your laughter from here! FOLLY! Poor Sunny had separation anxiety and if I walked out of the room he would start beeping....he could not be left alone... and Yoshi just saw him a competition for attention...One bird I could handle but not it seemed Sunny's insecurities were catching...It takes them a long time to trust again if they have been wronged... Finally found Sunny a home with a lady and her two daughters..he was so loved and smothered with attention that he didn't even see me leave!!! lol....I've visited him a couple of times and he seems quite happy to be the centre of attention...
25 Oct, 2008
lmao brilliant Lori,
glad to hear hes found a good home
25 Oct, 2008
Bless him! Does he talk?
27 Oct, 2008
no, doesnt talk, just squawks like mad lol
27 Oct, 2008
Ahhh bless how sweet!
28 Oct, 2008
Love this photo!
28 Oct, 2008
how cute looks so cuddly
28 Oct, 2008
Our parrot loves to do this also Irish. Ray often has her in a towell on his lap while he's on the computer. I think they feel very secure.
6 Nov, 2008
awww cute, you will have to get a pic of that Mike
6 Nov, 2008
Sweet! I made Yoshi a nest bag out of's his security blanket!
7 Nov, 2008
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Irish,Valentine is soooo beautiful and looks like he/she is snuggled down and very cosy in the towel.
22 Oct, 2008