HAPPY 2009 from my Garrya elliptica "James Roof"
By Terratoonie

26 Dec, 2008
James Roof ~ "JR " sends New Year Greetings to all the GoY members, and their gardens, plants, trees and shrubs ~ both in the UK and all around the world. Best wishes for 2009 from TT.
Garrya elliptica photographed in my garden today. :o)
Comments on this photo
Hello Mike, and happy new year to you. xxx
26 Dec, 2008
Happy growing JR.....beautiful tree TT.....Happy Gardening to you for 2009!
26 Dec, 2008
Hi Janey ~ Thank you.
JR is planted where he gets full sun all summer.
Not quite what the gardening books advise, but he thrives !
Happy Gardening to you and your plants too. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
Thank you TT....I'm going to treat myself to one of these this year...I love those tassels!
26 Dec, 2008
Yes, good idea.
The tassels are lovely !
Andrewr grows these, too.
and he also likes them a lot. :o)
26 Dec, 2008
Very nice Love the tassels!!
26 Dec, 2008
Happy New Year TT...lots of love BB and Jane xxx
26 Dec, 2008
Happy 2009 TT !
27 Dec, 2008
Thanks Hywel, BB, Jane and Wohlibuli.
"JR" and his many lovely tassels join me in wishing you a great year in 2009. :o)
27 Dec, 2008
Happy 2009 to you too.....TT
27 Dec, 2008
Hello Holly ~
Happy gardening in 2009 to you and your marigolds. LOL. xxx
27 Dec, 2008
I don''t think I have ever seen one of these before. Oh, and Happy New Year to you and all of yours, be they plant or animal....
27 Dec, 2008
Hi Skippy ~
The lovely tassels you can see are all over this Garrya.
I have "J R " climbing up my fence next to the dog run.
Happy New Year to you and all of your fauna and flora. LOL. xxx
27 Dec, 2008
My JR is Sooooo small compared with yours - but he is growing and he has got some tassels! :-)
He sends his friend greetings from Somerset.
27 Dec, 2008
Happy New Year and lots of success in the garden in 2009, TT.
28 Dec, 2008
JR sends greetings and a wave of his tassels to his young relative in Somerset :o)
28 Dec, 2008
Gilli ~ I wish you a healthy coming year for all your family and plants.
And happy gardening in 2009. :o)
TT xxx
28 Dec, 2008
Happy New Year TT to you and JR ....
28 Dec, 2008
Hi Janette ~
Wishing you a healthy, happy 2009.
JR is waving his tassels with enthusiasm. :o)
28 Dec, 2008
Nice one TT..... A very happy and healthy 2009 to you too
28 Dec, 2008
Hello Milky ~
JR is pleased you stopped by to see him. :o)
Happy New Year to you, your family and your plants !
29 Dec, 2008
A very very Happy New Year to you TT, Conker and Crocus from Giorgio, Lupa, Giove, June and Rosie .... and me of course !!
29 Dec, 2008
Happy year to all of you in Rome ~
and your plants elsewhere. LOL
29 Dec, 2008
Ta everso TT - I do hope my little garden is OK, altho' I know that Ottavia and Rosanna are looking after it (and my stray felines) for me whilst I'm away
29 Dec, 2008
That's good that you have such wonderful friends you can rely on, both for your plants and for the strays.
I'm sure you miss them all.
29 Dec, 2008
Happy New Year To You TT! Your Garrya looks lovely. I had one at a formal home and I had sort of forgotten how lovely they are. I need a Mahonia Charity and a Garrya now too. x
29 Dec, 2008
JR says thanks Dawn.
He hopes you soon have one of his relatives living on your land.
Happy 2009. :o)
29 Dec, 2008
happy new yr Jr , TT, Conker and Crocus xx
29 Dec, 2008
Happy new year to Irish and family and pets including budgies George and Freddie, and Benny the robin outside. LOL. :o)
From TT, Conker, Crocus and JR xxx
29 Dec, 2008
Thanks TT. Can you remind me please, what conditions do they thrive in.
29 Dec, 2008
Hi again Dawn ~
JR is planted against a fence and gets sun all day. Seems very happy.
Sometimes in dry weather I chuck a bowl of water at his roots, buy he has been very well-behaved, not requiring much extra care.
I've since been told that a more shady situation might have been preferable. So I guess all that rain and cloud last summer suited JR well.
I hope this helps. :o)
Yours will be called JR jr.
29 Dec, 2008
Right, must go and get JR jr this week. Thanks for the info on conditions he will like ...
29 Dec, 2008
Plant JR near a South fork. LOL
~ but probably with more shade than mine...
29 Dec, 2008
OK TT, I'll set in semi shade next to Bobby and Sue Ellen. lol
29 Dec, 2008
Wonderful photo! It has beautiful flower spikes! Have a very Happy New Year!!!
30 Dec, 2008
Hi Delonix1 ~
Yes this "JR" has lovely spiky tassels. I wonder what would be the nearest equivalent in your photos of Californian trees or climbers ?
You can see I love this style of plant. That's why I like your photos of Sausage Trees ! LOL.
Happy 2009 :o)
30 Dec, 2008
~fantastic plant TT!
30 Dec, 2008
Thanks Arlene :o)
JR is not far from my back door, so I get to admire him closely everytime Conker goes out into the dog run. The Garrya is just along from a Ceanothus where the thrushes built their nest last summer and successfully raised two lovely youngsters. :o)
30 Dec, 2008
Happy 2009 to you, your tricky dog and JR.
I'm not familiar with Garrya, but yours is beyond handsome.
30 Dec, 2008
Hello Weeds 11 ~
So glad you like JR.
He grows very near where my Sheltie walks up and down.
His roots don't seem to mind. LOL.
Happy New Year to you, your family and your plants. :o)
30 Dec, 2008
Happy New Year to you all. x
30 Dec, 2008
Hello Pottygardener ~
Happy Gardening in 2009. :o)
31 Dec, 2008
best wishes to you all, lets hope its a good year
31 Dec, 2008
Hello Islander ~
My very best wishes to your family for plans in the new home :o)
Terra xxx
31 Dec, 2008
Happy new year, TT! Give lots of kisses and pecks to Conker and Crocus...
2 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year TT. Haven't quite caught up with things yet - spending hours in the garden every day!
2 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year TT,Conker and Crocus xxx Deida and Percy
2 Jan, 2009
Garry sure looks healthy there, you have inspired me to go out and get one....my husband has some garden vouchers burning holes in his pocket, all I need to do is to persuade him that he cant live without one.......Happy Gardening to you and yours in 09.
2 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year to ~
Fourseasons xxx
Newfienurse xxx
Deida 51 xxx
and Dottydaisy2 xxx
2 Jan, 2009
My mother has one of these in her garden it looks spectacular when the tassles are fully out, must take a pic next time i go, oh and Happy 2009 Terratoonie!!!
3 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year to Sewingkilla xxx
Yes, do take a photo of your mother's tassels. LOL
These are very attractive plants. JR thanks you. :o)
3 Jan, 2009
Happy new year to U2, dear TT! Oh, one of my fave must-have (one day) shrubs, too! X
5 Jan, 2009
Hello David ~
All the best to you for 2009.
Yes, this photo seems to have inspired several members to plant a JR in their own gardens. It's a very attractive and unusual shrub. Today we have a little snow here and the Garrya's tassels look stunning in the sunshine. xxx
5 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year to TT and JR.
5 Jan, 2009
Happy 2009 :o)
JR bravely waves his tassels to you, despite the snow.
We have a whole quarter of an inch of snow here.
How much in Ontario ?
5 Jan, 2009
Happy 2009 for you TT & JR and to all the above and to all that never found this post YET!
Andrewr grows nice Garrya's Tassels, Mine look pretty good too on our lamp shades and pillows!
TT heck with the snow in Ontario what about us bleedin souls out west!
5 Jan, 2009
Kind of up and down! Right now not too deep, though there's still huge piles of the stuff around. Ice is more the problem on the roads this morning. More snow expected Wednesday, about 5-10 cm.
Funny though, it doesn't take much snow in England for everthing to come to a standstill, does it?!
5 Jan, 2009
Gillian is right ~
Any type of weather in Britain seems to come as a surprise and things quickly come to a halt. LOL.
Too many leaves, too much snow, too hot, too wet , too cold, too foggy, too sunny.....
Yes, Andrewr has a good Garrya. Nice that this photo has inspired other members to buy JR jr shrubs for their gardens. :o)
Next year, hopefully, GoY will be inundated with photos of these little JR jrs. :o)
5 Jan, 2009
Been working my way through favourites photos and am back to you again TT, but I see I am already caught up with yours! Must be time for a new photo?
7 Jan, 2009
Hi Gillian ~
I've always joked that my photos are for you to catch up with on a day when you are rather busy. LOL
Have you caught up with my blogs.?
#8 Garden theme crossword and # 10 garden theme quiz.
Private message me answers please. :o)
7 Jan, 2009
I'l try! Having enough trouble trying to catch up with pictures at the moment!
7 Jan, 2009
Thanks. I would be interested to know if you think the difficulty levels on both quiz and crossword are about right ~ in case I ever make more puzzles. They are very time-consuming to create, but I enjoy devising them. :o)
7 Jan, 2009
Think i'll see about buying one of these. x
8 Jan, 2009
Yes, Daff. Great idea ! They have lovely glossy green leaves, and are evergreen, so remain interesting for all of the year. The beautiful tassels stay looking good for a long time. I hope you're able to find your own 'JR' :o)
8 Jan, 2009
I'll have a look on line TT, I'm sure that i'll find one on here. thanks.
Gail x
9 Jan, 2009
Please let me know how you get on.
Water root area well, especially during first year.
Good luck with your JR jr LOL :o)
9 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year TT dont Know how iv missed this :/ XXX
9 Jan, 2009
Hello Jacque :o)
Happy 2009 to you and especially from JR here. xxx :o)
Is this a shrub you have ?
It is one of my favourites :o)
9 Jan, 2009
No iv not got this TT but iv been eyeing 1 up in the Nurseury where i brought the Apple Tree From this wk ,It seems 2 have twisted Branches ¬ evergreen like this 1 is it a different type u think? it says its a Garrya on its label? XXX
9 Jan, 2009
I've just looked on internet and there are lots of other Garrya shrubs.
Not yet found one that is deciduous. Maybe if you google Garrya, you can recognise the one you've seen, and put a comment back on this thread please ? It is interesting. Thanks. :o) xxx
9 Jan, 2009
I "discovered" this amazing shrub February last year on a visit to a local castle, and posted its pic as a question as to what it is. Yes Pf, Andrew has lovely pics of JR. As usual, however, I still don't have one of my own, there was only 1 nursery in Scotland last year had it for sale, and didn't do mail order.
11 Jan, 2009
JR is really amazing.
Great word for him !
Pretty tassels which last for many weeks. :o)
11 Jan, 2009
Hope that you're having a happy new year so far TT. I like this plant. Looks like caterpillars :)
20 Jan, 2009
Hello Tasteyg ~
Yes, 2009 is turning out to be very busy !
I hope the new year is being kind to you. :o)
I can see why you think JR's tassels look like caterpillars !
This shrub has these lovely tassels for many weeks of the winter.
I've just uploaded a photo of my winter-flowering Clematis "Wisley Cream".
Both of these plants seem tough. They keep on looking good, even through the recent ice and snow !
20 Jan, 2009
great photo TT, i had one of these in my previous garden, i have just 10 minutes ago been looking at them on ebay, thinking of getting another one for my new garden, after seeing this i think decision is made!
21 Jan, 2009
Hi Angie ~
JR's tassels are still looking good ~
probably even longer than in the photo Lol.
This shrub is stunning all through the winter.
It's one of my favourites, too. :o)
21 Jan, 2009
yes it is, i remeber it well from my last garden, looked so good all year round, and then this wonderful display when you need it most....yep on the wish list...
21 Jan, 2009
Garrya has to be one of the finest winter flowering shrubs with its long tassels which last for weeks and its grey blue/green leaves. A great 2009 to you to. dioon11
23 Jan, 2009
Hello Dioon11 ~
Yes, when I chose " J R " I didn't realise how much I would like him.
I love the colour and texture of the tassels.
Happy 2009 :o)
23 Jan, 2009
Well... as far and late as it can be... HAPPY 2009 TT, and everyone else :)
30 Jan, 2009
Hi Aleyna ~
'JR' says thanks for visiting and we all send best wishes to you for a fantastic 2009 :o)
31 Jan, 2009
yayyyyyyyyy thanks JR and we all will have a nice 2009!!! :)
31 Jan, 2009
Hi TT, just found your WC and JR. They are super, I wish I had a bigger garden, there are just too many plants I like. My garden is full up already.
31 Jan, 2009
Hello Marge ~
Yes, it is difficult to squeeze in more and more plants !
From your photos, your garden looks very organised.
Well done :o)
I'm pleased you like the winter interest of WC and JR :o)
1 Feb, 2009
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and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2009 Terratoonie...
26 Dec, 2008