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I,m growing a sprout


By Amy

I,m growing a sprout

This is an experiment to see what happens next , please don,t laugh , look at it,s roots :o)

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Hmmm! Interesting, might have to try this.

27 Jan, 2009


Ops sorry Amy I did laugh .. but .well done on your experiment...

27 Jan, 2009


Janette , A friend came in yesterday , he was staring at the window sill with a look of mock horror and curiosity , He finally said " why are you growing a sprout " LOL .

27 Jan, 2009


Are you planning to advance to bigger things ?
Will we next see a photo of a cabbage ?
Can't wait for the next instalment. ........... :o)

27 Jan, 2009


Made me chuckle too! Very interesting experiment, looking forward to its progress.

27 Jan, 2009


wow that is interesting.

27 Jan, 2009


TT I have no idea what will happen next , if it grows into a cabbage I will put a row in and start selling them ... LOL ...

27 Jan, 2009


LOL. You could make a fortune, judging by those healthy-looking roots ! :o)

27 Jan, 2009


Ha ha ha ha ha ha he he he he ha ha ha ...................Brilliant cant wait to see what happens

27 Jan, 2009


Interesting experiment Amy. Look at those lovely roots. Does it have a name? Sam the sprout? I wonder what it will do next? Are you going to pot it up?
I'm waiting until the pineapples go on sale next and I'm going to grow a pineapple bush from the top. I love experiments like this. :o)

27 Jan, 2009


What other ones could we try, besides Sam the Sprout and Percy the Pineapple ?

Any more ideas ? I'm sure Milky will have a suggestion. LOL

27 Jan, 2009


I think Sam is fine Gilli thank you , they say plants do better if you talk to them so now I will chat away to Sam . :o)
Good luck with your pineapple ..... I like experimenting , I once had a piece of root Ginger that had grown a root in a plastic box in my cupboard , I potted it up , it grew into a lovely big plant it needed so much water that in the end I put it in the garden pond where it thrived , I forgot to bring it in at the first frost , the rest is history .....

27 Jan, 2009


What was that one's name. ?
Ginger Rogers ?

27 Jan, 2009


Oh what a shame Amy. I bet it was lovely.
Has anyone ever tried an avacado pit? That is another one I'd like to try.

27 Jan, 2009


LOL. TT. I like that.....Ginger Rogers! But where's Fred Astair?

27 Jan, 2009


Astaire the avocado ?

27 Jan, 2009


LOL. Perhaps Fred the Fig?? Figs have pits too don't they? I was leaning more toward Alistair the Avacado.

27 Jan, 2009


No just... Ginger ...TT I didn,t know you crazy GOY lot then ... LOL ..

Yes I have grown an Avocada Gilli , in fact I sent the grandchildren home with one at Christmas , You grow it in the same way as I have the sprout with just the base touching the water , it grows into a good plant as well ..

27 Jan, 2009


I'll have to give it a try Amy. Ha!! A winter project for me to help alleviate the SAD....A pineapple bush and an Avacado tree.....Hmmmm....must get to the grocery store.

27 Jan, 2009


After serious consideration, I've decided to put this photo on my favourites. LOL LOL LOL

27 Jan, 2009


Aww thanks TT I will tell Sam LOL

27 Jan, 2009


Ha....ha ....keep your eye on it looks as if it may run off any minute! lol

27 Jan, 2009


It looks like something that would appear in Dr Who - make sure you lock the kitchen door at night :)

27 Jan, 2009


I had not thought of trying a sprout Amy..I have done avocados too..and Sweet potatoes...make a very pretty plant grown the same way...I love watching them take off...

28 Jan, 2009


Trying with difficulty to imagine cabbage sized 'Wetwang windies'

28 Jan, 2009


I,m letting my cat Marmay sleep next to it , then if it makes a move she will have it LOL

28 Jan, 2009


LOL...... Wagger i,ve never heard of a Wetwang windies , is it in the dictionary ......... LOL ........

28 Jan, 2009


This is scary for us folk with Sprout terrors.......;-(

28 Jan, 2009


Amy, it was a running joke between Richard Whitely (honourary Mayor of Wetwang) and Carol Vorderman on Countdown - bsed on the unfortunate effect sprouts have on many people.

28 Jan, 2009


Oh Thank you Wagger .... problem solved ..... I missed that .. LOL ..

28 Jan, 2009


I wonder what would happen if you put food colouring in the water........

28 Jan, 2009


Maybe thats how they get purple sprouting Broccoli Gillian... LOL ...

28 Jan, 2009


Another thought. Maybe if you flavour the water with something like lemon juice if would taste of that when (if!) you cook it.

28 Jan, 2009


. sounds nice ... you could create all your own flavours , that way you would only ever have to grow one veg. pea flavour , carrot etc ... LOL

28 Jan, 2009


Have you colored daffodils this way Gillian? food coloring would very likely make the sprout very colorful...! The idea of the flavorings is very interesting...

28 Jan, 2009


I've only done carnations and celery, but good fun!

28 Jan, 2009


The daffodils color fast because of their open stems...I am wondering what white daisies would do.....

29 Jan, 2009


a bloke tells his son to go down the shops and get a small cabbage
he came back with a brussel sprout lol

1 Mar, 2009


What's the latest on this wonderful sprout ???

28 Mar, 2009


looks like a little green alian octopus trapped in a glass lol

28 Mar, 2009


TT it was doing so well the roots grew to the bottom of the glass , I potted it up , the roots continued growing even out of the hole at the bottom of the pot.
Then disaster ... the sprout started to shrink and shrivel , it was obvious that it was going to die on me, I hung on desperately hoping it would suddenly shoot out something fantastic .. it never did ... :o(
I finally gave up my dreams of growing and selling sprouts about two weeks ago .. LOL ..

How do you know that that isn,t where baby Octopus ,s come from NP ., My garden incubator.. LOL ..

30 Mar, 2009


Maybe you could try again with another sprout ?
With some purple dye in the water ? Lol.

30 Mar, 2009


It thought it was hydroponic..then it wasn't and it went into shock...a little liquid plant food and it probably would have done fine...wasn't well adapted to nourishing itself through soil...poor little thing..starved to death like that....and it was such an adorable little thing...sad.....sniff.....tear...wipe....snifff...just another experimental sprout tossed on the trash heap.

30 Mar, 2009


I,m in tears here Catfinch sniff.... blow... sniff ...sniff ... I feel like a murderer ..
Maybe a G & T will help with the feelings of guilt ... slurp ...

30 Mar, 2009


amy you murderer lol

30 Mar, 2009


Maybe the sprout would have survived if given some G & T....

30 Mar, 2009


LOL . .. next time TT ..

NP you will have me snivelling again .. sniff ... :O( ...

30 Mar, 2009


lol im only messin lol watch out for the little green octopus if you see some you must be on the same planet lol.scary thaught hay lol

30 Mar, 2009


If I see some I,ll pass them on to you NP .. youve got a nice big Aquarium to store them in , your fish might find them tasty ... LOL ...

30 Mar, 2009


no this is a no sprout zone oops i mean green octopus lol

31 Mar, 2009


Well, a sad sad sad tale. One of rebirth, new life, murder and cephalopods. Oh, we do see life on GOY. It all happens here. Life, death and marine life. Wonderful isn't it?

31 Mar, 2009


I can see little sprouts every where jumping right out of the dirt and running for their precious little lives right now!..OH!!!! little sprouts!!!... run!!!!!!... as fast as your little tiny white legs can go...! funny looking little fellows running like that...oh dear here comes a slug! ...but behind the slug!!..oh no.!!.it's NP & Amy both!!!!!Yiiiieeeeee!!! run...oh I dreaming?..... My legs keep getting all tangled up...and I keep rolling over and over...Whatssss. wassss..goin on? I had a big green head and octopus legs and there was something chasing me.....huh?.... purple????...what???

31 Mar, 2009


.. LOL...
And I thought Steven King was scary , he could use your wonderful story lines ~~~ if he runs out of ideas he can always come here for more ..........LOL .......

31 Mar, 2009


i thaught you said yo wernt on the brown sugar cat lol .ow im never short of ideas not allways good ones but full none the less lol

31 Mar, 2009


You know it was the Brown sugar..didn't make any custard and decided brown sugar on toast would have to do...this is what happens...LOL...should not do

31 Mar, 2009


im with you on that cat

31 Mar, 2009


28th March, I asked for the latest news on the wonderful sprout .....
Amazing... there's LOTS of new input. Lol.
Isn't GoY great ! :o)

31 Mar, 2009


apserlootly terra hope ya puppies ok .we got 5 dogs now melly baught a french bulldog pup called frank

31 Mar, 2009


Hello NP ~
Is Frank's photo on GoY ???

31 Mar, 2009


not yet terra but it wont be long lol

31 Mar, 2009


you know me lol

31 Mar, 2009


French ... hey NP ...better have some frogs and snails in your garden , make it feel at home.. LOL ..

Looking forward to seeing Frank :o)

31 Mar, 2009


If the dog is French, should its name be spelt


31 Mar, 2009


You are right about GOY being an amazing place TT ... I thought my poor little sprout had slipped quietly and peacefully away to that great big compost heap in the sky ... but it wasn,t to be .. sigh ...

31 Mar, 2009


I'm still hoping that its relatives will be given a chance in some of your laboratory experiments....

31 Mar, 2009


I,ll give it another go next year TT ~~ sprout season ~~ perhaps we could all try to see whos can live the longest ... LOL ...

31 Mar, 2009


Which particular days does Sprout Season start and end, please, Amy ?
My diary doesn't seem to have them listed. :o)

31 Mar, 2009


TT how can your diary be missing such an important date as Sprout season .. it starts on the 1st of October 2009 ~~ ends on the 28th Feb 2010 .. I would make a complaint to your book keeper for not having these relevant facts at hand . it,s vital infomation .. smacked wrist ! ..

31 Mar, 2009


easily amy yak lol.maybe it should be franc lol or perhaps your being frank lol

31 Mar, 2009


I think everybody is being very Frank on here NP ... LOL ...

1 Apr, 2009


me to amy lol nearly finished keely and then on to your elephant .i cant weight though ive never drawn one before well not since school which is over a year ago lol.take care bye for now

1 Apr, 2009


Been working in the garden all day, but made a priority of then checking in on the Brussels Sprout thread....
... Is there some relevance that Sprout Season ends at the same time as the Winter Olympics ~ 28th Feb. 2010 ???
... hot air melting the ice ???

1 Apr, 2009


Oh gosh i.m getting worried now ... was that in playschool NP .... LOL ..

1 Apr, 2009


Now that is a coincidence TT , there would definitely be plenty of hot air about after a winter of eating sprouts , and of course plenty for the hot air balloons to transport us home , yes I would say the dates are very relevant .....LOL .......

1 Apr, 2009


me to terra lol

1 Apr, 2009


Oh dear now we have gone on to the school yard...gas enough to float balloons home across the continent and would be one ripe ride I dare say!

4 Apr, 2009


pegs out i believe lol

5 Apr, 2009


I followed my nose to find this thread....I remember Little Sam Sprout from way back when in sad to read of his sudden demise..... :-(

BTW, shouldn't Franc be called Euro now?

6 Apr, 2009


Looks like a whole nursery of baby sprouts will be needed to supply the hot air required....

Euro Shelton ~ there's a grand name for a little dog.. Lol.

6 Apr, 2009


It,s so kind of you to remember little Sam Sid , it was so sudden and unexpected ,
Rest assured that we will try for some more baby sprouts next Autumn .
We will need as TT has pointed out a whole nursery of them for the Hot Air Balloons , the situation is quite urgent .
Thankyou for your kind thoughts :o)

6 Apr, 2009


hasnt got the same ring to it sid lol very good .euro shelton makes me sound all importent lol

6 Apr, 2009


Little Sam Sid???? Who is little Sam Sid??? I remember little Sam and I remember Sid......Did Little Sam eat Sid and become Sam Sid??

7 Apr, 2009


Oh No Gilli ! you are confusing things .. there was a little Sam sprout recently deceased .. and there is a little Sid who lives in the deepest part of Herefordshire .. ( a lovely place )

I,m getting ever so slightly confused myself as to who is called what ... LOL...

Sid are you Sam now ?

7 Apr, 2009


and did sam sid in turn get eaten bye a giant leech ?

7 Apr, 2009


Lol Mr. Shelton ...
Amy ~ this is your photo, so we're all relying on you to not get confused.... to explain it all to us....
Glad you to know you have plans to make more balloon gas later in the year...

7 Apr, 2009


Leeches..I don't mind..but this gaseous balloon thing called little Sam Sid...I am wondering if I will be safe visiting at all! Goodness knows if anyone lights a match at the wrong time...!!! Oh dear...I for some reason do not recall Sam ...must have missed that part...Sid??? Why did you have to say I am lost.Who is Sam Shelton? huh? NP? This is your fault somehow... TT...Amy..NP & Sid....are just numbing with their poor confused minds...they go on and on this way...goodness knows what they will come up with next...
Lets See...
Amy saw a sprout that she wanted to play with..thought sticking it in a water glass with white cardboard would be an interesting way to spend a winters day.
It grew little white leggy adorable...
Then she killed it with dirt...
Now she means to murder them by the millions for gas there no end to this nightmare...! If I were to wake up now would I be a sprout with little white legs all tangled, some of them even tangled into wee tiny knots..(very bumpy rolling like that) round me from rolling as fast as I could to get away...or would I be one big stinky gas cloud floating around in a balloon...I am so confused...
Now where did I leave that leech....hmmmmm?

7 Apr, 2009


This could become an Agatha Christie mystery story....
Was it really Amy who killed the sprout ?
Who is Sam Sid ?
How much hot air do we really need .....?

7 Apr, 2009


Ah Ha , the truth is finally coming out after a little bit off detective work .
I was always slightly suspicious of my hubby , He dosn,t like sprouts , you should see his face when I put them on his plate , The thought of having an endless supply was obviously more than he could bare .
I left poor little Sam ( Gilli christened him Sam Catfinch , Sid is his middle name , because I like Hereford , )
Oh dear we have a new name now .. Sam Catfinch .. will it never end ...
lets get back to what really happened , I left hubby in charge of Sam Sid Catfinch , he deliberately put him outside in the rain knowing that there was a huge leech ( which I believe Euro Shelton left there on purpose ) lurking in the woodpile ready to kill my little Sam
Oh dear i,m going to cry again , it was to cruel ........
You can wake up from your nightmare now Catfinch the truth has been revealed ... those little twisted legs were all in your mind ...and I wasn,t the murderer ..
TT we will need masses of hot air , we don,t want to come down in the middle of the ocean .
I will start a secret place in the Autumn for more supplys well away from my hubby ..........

7 Apr, 2009


Well done, Amy !
Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot would be so proud of you :o)
Can't wait for the next episode...
Where will the new sprouts be hidden ?
Will hubby find them ?
Will we have enough hot air ?

7 Apr, 2009


you think so cat lol ?

7 Apr, 2009


Yikes - I look away for a day and what's happened? Darned if I know...... Who's Sam Sid and who is Sam Sid Catfinch Sprout? I know who Sam Sprout (dec'd) is and I know who Sid is - me if I'm not mistaken, which I often am, and I'm certainly NOT deceased as yet. Gilli - I can confirm that I have not been eaten by Sam (dec'd) and, likewise, I have not eaten said Sam (dec'd), who, I am further given to believe, may or may not have been eaten by a giant leech called Euro Shelton. Although Sam Sid Catfinch may well have been. I can further confirm that I, Sid, do indeed hail from deepest, darkest Herefordshire and that Sam Sprout aforesaid hails instead from Norfolk, which doesnt even sound the same. Just for the record, I think I'd rather not have my name put to a gaseous balloon thingy by the way. Tongues soon would wag and people might get completely the wrong impression of me. I speak a lot of hot air, but that's generally as far as it goes I would have you lot know. And as for Amy, well t'was Murder She Wrote......

7 Apr, 2009


The mystery deepens ...
.... think the answer lies...... the soil.....

7 Apr, 2009


I think it lies in the library. And involved a candlestick.

7 Apr, 2009


.... or maybe lies in a candlestick and involved the library....

7 Apr, 2009


with mr all white lol

7 Apr, 2009


Oh.....I'm gone for 2 minutes and look what happens!!! Hmmmm....what actually did happen?
Little Sam Sid is really deceased and has his legs tangled up in Catfinch's candlestick....In the library.....With Nosey Potter White. The murderer is flying over the ocean in a hot air balloon to deepest darkest Herefordshire while making a detour to Norfolk to escape Amy's hubby who doesn't like sprouts and Catfinch is planning on running around the country lighting matches.
My head hurts!!!!

8 Apr, 2009


and dont forget cats leeches either lol

8 Apr, 2009


Looks like Gilli could write the book for this Sprout Mystery, and Noseypotter can draw the illustrations............
a definite best seller ! :o)

8 Apr, 2009


I have to tell you that I will be signing off temporarily as I have the decorators in and they are insisting that they move my desk and unplug my computer to get at the walls and ceilings ( rotten lot ) I clung to it desperately but they are having none of it and it has to be done .
I will leave it in your capable hands TT to steer everyone through the tangled web of little white sprout legs , gaseous clouds , murder mystery .. and dare I say it ... corruption ..on the part of my hubby , who is now beginning to feel very guilty of the part he has played and has promised to collect as many pegs as he can for the great journey home after the Olympics ..

8 Apr, 2009


he he - i have a vision in my head now of Amy still sitting at her chair while a couple of big burly men carry her, still tapping away at her keyboard, out into the yard........ Amy, there will never be enough pegs.... TT - we're relying on you.

9 Apr, 2009


I'm here........
Thinking of making my back fence higher by piling up a huge mountain of sprouts.......... a long story.....
Amy, we're missing you already.
I hope your hubby feels guilty enough to buy you lots of lovely easter eggs .....
Keep tapping Amy ... your computer will soon be back in action...

9 Apr, 2009


Amy, Amy......hurry back.!!.......Wait! Are those really big burly men carrying Amy and her computer out to the yard??? Or are they really sprouts in disguise???.......Yes!!....I do believe there are little white sprout legs under those coveralls they are wearing.......

11 Apr, 2009


..... don't worry,Gilli..
if their sprout legs are out of water for even a short time, they wither away...

11 Apr, 2009


I,m back but only very briefly ... Sid you were right about the big burly men they wrapped me up in cords and wires and bundled me out before I could tap another letter ..

Gilli they had helpers and they did have little short white legs , I spotted them under their overalls as they threw me in a heap , they started to wither once they were outside .. TT .. they raced over to the bird bath and hung their little legs in it and then escaped to goodness knows where .

I must admit i,m slightly worried as I have our son and family coming tomorrow for a week , i,m wondering if it will be safe for the boys to play in the garden ... will sprouts attack ? I must worn them about the smell ......

I have to go and prepare for them . it,s chaos at the moment !
Happy Easter everyone x

11 Apr, 2009


Oh, Amy, thanks for the update...
Will Snowball be safe ?
... and all your visitors ?
Happy Easter xxx

11 Apr, 2009


Be careful Amy.....their latest trick is to fill up their work boots with if you hear a squelching sound.....Happy Easter x

11 Apr, 2009


Happy Easter from me too...!!! I have the men with little white legs over here. ...they like me...LOL...they came knocking on my door in the night..fearing for their lives...they run out and stick their legs in the fish pond half whiskey barrel every once in a while...stinky bunch I have to say....hmmm...wonder... how I will ever get them to go home..? Hope your computer gets to be back online and you can be happily tapping up a storm Amy...we have a storm here today! Is that you?!

12 Apr, 2009


Yikes - and there was me naively thinking Sprouts were friendly creatures......I should've guessed they weren't by the stink they made in my veggie patch last summer - yukky.

13 Apr, 2009


Send the aphids after them. Aphids love sprouts. That should teach them a lesson.

13 Apr, 2009


Catfinch you will never get rid of them .. even if they have a sniff of whiskey they go completely Doo Lally , rioting , taking over peoples water butts to fill their wellies ... it.s not me making your storms , it,s them with their stinky black gaseous clouds .....
I thought I had the solution .. I little grandsons are out there with paint ball guns with instructions to fire at anything that looked like a sprout , so far nothing except a garden thats beginning to look like a patch work quilt of many colours ... LOL ...

15 Apr, 2009


Sprout men are gone...I was throwing boards all round and it scared them off I guess... was busy tossing and pounding and did not even notice when they left...the air did get lighter suddenly...hmmmm...guess that must have been when they skeedaddled off!

19 Apr, 2009


It is Christmas 2011 and I have just discovered this blog, wiped the cobwebs off it and read it from start to finish. There is only one thing to say:- YOU ARE ALL BARKING MAD!
Looks like I'm in good company #:-))))))

p.s. Did the pineapple survive and grow, Gilli?

13 Dec, 2011


Hi Gattina...
This poor sprout is gone but certainly not forgotten ;o)

Let's hope, this year, Amy grew some new sprouts for her Christmas dinner. :o)

13 Dec, 2011


LOL... I thought this had been consigned to the rubbish bin long ago ~ Well Gattina if you enjoyed reading this you have certainly joined the right group , welcome from me I'm sure you will find lots of friendly advice about gardening here plus a few laughs .. it does help if you are slightly potty ;o))
Sorry TT ! I daren't have a repeat of 2009 nobody would forgive me for causing more mayhem with Sprouts running riot ... Lol ..

13 Dec, 2011


... "repeat of 2009" Amy ???
... surely this sprout isn't still repeating on you...
... that's indigestion on a major scale ! Lol. ;o)

13 Dec, 2011


Oh Dear, I am afraid I am well past the "Slightly Potty" level, Amy. Can I still belong, please?

13 Dec, 2011


Too late Gattina ... you belong already ...
and you are very welcome here :o)

13 Dec, 2011


So there's no escape, TT? Thank you for the reassurance and the welcome: When in a dire situation, make the best of it! ;-))))))

13 Dec, 2011


Lol... good thinking :o) x

13 Dec, 2011


Lol TT, I nearly said " excuse the pun" when I wrote repeat ! I'm pleased to hear you are well past the Slightly Potty Stage Gatinna , Like TT says you are already one of us there really is no escape , unless you are thinking of running away with the Sprouts :o))

13 Dec, 2011


Not sure they'd have me :-((

13 Dec, 2011


I'm sure they would Gattina not that we want you to go we would much rather you stayed with us :o))

13 Dec, 2011


I'm filling up here.....Thank you, friends!

14 Dec, 2011


looks great

23 Dec, 2015


Gg I can't believe my sprout has come back to haunt me after all this time Lol ... Sprouts are for Christmas :o))

23 Dec, 2015


Hi Amy

Nearly Christmas day !!!!! as well

2009 and it had a lot of interest/likes this thread is huge

24 Dec, 2015

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