two owls and some ivy
By Noseypotter

4 Feb, 2009
just to show my nicer side lol
Comments on this photo
Great work NP,
5 Feb, 2009
Great work NP....
5 Feb, 2009
thank you i love barn owls and snowy owls thow im more of a mammal lover myself.i love big crows they got atitude.harpy eagle are stunning.there monkey killers so they have to kill them as they grab them so they dont reach up and pull out a flight feather.they grab them bye the head and kill instantly bye crushing the skull.they havnt got the longest wing span as they have to fly through trees but deffinatly the most power full dont want a harpy eagle landing on you let me tell ya lol im full of useless information lol
5 Feb, 2009
A lovely picture Leigh , beautiful owls and you are educating us as well , I hadn,t heard of a Harpy Eagle ... I have now ... :o)
5 Feb, 2009
I love the colours used on this picture :o)
5 Feb, 2009
Really lovely work.....
5 Feb, 2009
thanx again everybody
5 Feb, 2009
well if you learn you should cant take without giving unlike my much younger selfish self
5 Feb, 2009
Love it Nosey...........
5 Feb, 2009
thanx milky nice one i get the fealing this is your faverite one .i sold it years ago and got it given back as a prezzy believe or not so it realy is mine now how mad is that
5 Feb, 2009
Beautiful. Is this in pastels?
6 Feb, 2009
pastal back ground and the owls and ivy are water colour pencils.i like the ivy best lol.i dont use the pencils for there water colour atributes apart from the odd highlight.i tried many a types and they are bye far best 4 me.i hope that helped sid glad you like them
6 Feb, 2009
I reared barns owls a lot of hard work but very rewarding. I have also hand reared fox cubs thats another story
7 Feb, 2009
id like to here it nice one donnah
8 Feb, 2009
Thanks NP - I'm just learning with pastels at the mo. I love the detail in this one - especially the wing of the left-hand owl - the colour and texture look just right - very realistic! Re the watercolour pencils - I know what you mean - they are much softer and have more vivid colours than normal coloured pencils don't they. Keep up the good work :-)
9 Feb, 2009
yes your right keep up the good work.realy the pastels i use for bacground the pencils will probably cover them all it just gives me direction.the water colour pencils are good at the end for highlights after dabbing them on ya tongue for eyes more than happy to help.ask away and thanx a lot sid
9 Feb, 2009
That's ok NP - you just mind those pencils you're dabbing on your tongue don't contain any nasties ha ha ha....
9 Feb, 2009
ow there not aloud to anymore because of kids and me .i bean doing that for 15 years or so thanx for the thaught though sid lol
9 Feb, 2009
lol x-D
10 Feb, 2009
nice one lol
10 Feb, 2009
Great picture, Np!
11 Feb, 2009
thank you spritz its anpther picture i sold someone and got given back as a presant .i got the korean boy back from the same was sold to her with her ex husband and i think,and i am guessing the new husband doesnt want any of there past.thats fair enough i guess if in fact it is true or they were just bored with not going to ask so we will never know.i got the husky picture given back also after about 15 years.i was quite insulted.i asked what was wrong with it.they said nothing they had retired and had no room for it.dont figure but as prezzies now i cant get rid of them.people can be very strange creatures lol
11 Feb, 2009
Lovely picture. I looked after a pair of barn owls for about twelve weeks and then released them on our smallholding that backed on to countryside. They were around for years.
11 Feb, 2009
Np - at least they gave them back and didn't try to sell them on e-Bay or give them to the Charity shop! LOL.
11 Feb, 2009
very nice me old fashioned but i dont sell prezzies its almost like theft.i already got paid for them lol
11 Feb, 2009
I've always enjoyed painting. I've never been taught and my pictures aren't like photos but I've sold them or given them away to help raise money for local charities and children in Africa.
13 Feb, 2009
its the enjoying that matters lindak ,ive never bean formaly taught i just concentrated on the watercolour pencil and pastel.this water colour is definatly new ground for me.youve bean more diverse and its admarabel excuse my spelling lol what you do with your art nice one lindak
13 Feb, 2009
You certainly have a great eye for form and colour and make the pictures come alive.
20 Feb, 2009
thank mate
21 Feb, 2009
Its stunning Np.....the wing feathering is have such a must be a very emotional person to be able to create such wonders.....:o)
7 May, 2009
yes i guess i very passionate about my art and nature .you got to look at and understand what something is on the inside to understand it on the inside.if i was going to draw your dog from a photo id still like to meat your dog to get a feal for him.if you had a dog ofcourse lol
7 May, 2009
A very vivid owl
10 Sep, 2009
thanx again jaderose
10 Sep, 2009
Hello Noseyp, just visited Suffolk and Norfolk to my sister who lives in Occuld. Saw a barn owl sitting on the telegraph wires across the road and one day a young deer sprang across the road in front of us.
3 Jul, 2010
ow how beautifull a sight lindak .
3 Jul, 2010
It's times like these that make you realise how much of their ground we have consumed for our own benefits. They have a right to be around where we live but we must be aware of their presence.
3 Jul, 2010
apserlutley lindak . i hope alians never get to watch this plannet or they will spot this horrible plant , mammel and earth virus other words known as the human race lol .
4 Jul, 2010
NAture always seems to take control of the situation Nosey and in years to come with the Earth's climate changing it will probably change what can survive on the planet and where people can live. With the icecaps melting into the sea it will desalinate the salty water and the sea life will change there. The oceans will rise and countries will be permanently flooded on the low areas of land. The air flows will change direction and the weather will change on the land. Britain cold suffer an ice age. There will probably be more fighting over what land remains as places like Africa might be too hot to live in. Just a though, but I do tend to think about these things.
4 Jul, 2010
me to lindak your right we are going to dissapear up our own bottems i believe . as for change changing what lives here . thats how evolution works .almost quite a natural procces that us humans are just moving forward a couple of thousand years realy . ow well make the most of life while you have it i say . take care for now xx .
4 Jul, 2010
too little too late i feal .
4 Jul, 2010
Hi NP, just seen your barn owls - great. I was woken by one a couple of years ago - thought it was a rabbit caught by a fox but the screaming just went on and on. I got up and looked in the end, jut in time to see it fly out of a tree really near the house - lucky or what? How long after you sold the pic did you get it back? Was it signed?
18 Aug, 2011
Yes it was signed ive always done it as it goes . it shows how much better youve done over tbe years . i just looked drawn 1997 and pgiven back about 2 years ago . this was given back with a korean boy in black and white i drew . another time someone not connected in any way to the barn owl picture people . they swapped there leather seating for my husky drawing in 1995 . About 2 years ago again showted to me down town . they said they had know wear to put my husky which kind pf upset me but the more i look at it the more they are just realy nice gifts for ever as i dont give prezzies away and they are just coincidently some of my more rememberd pieces i think ive done over the years .
20 Aug, 2011
What a strange story. I wonder why they didn't give it to somebody else as a great prezzie. I'm not surprised you felt upset at first.
20 Aug, 2011
Nout strange as folk as they say steragram . nothing suprises me Bout people anymore . i take them as nice prezzies now . its npt everyone whos been given three origional pieces of art lol .
24 Aug, 2011
Glad you can see it that way! And at least they were ones you liked...
24 Aug, 2011
Some things ard what they are x
25 Aug, 2011
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Lovely. I love barn owls. Great work NP.
5 Feb, 2009