One for Potty Gardener ?
By Bonkersbon

15 Feb, 2009
Having tidied borders Cyril makes sure supplies still in the same place.
Comments on this photo
You really are privaliged to get this close,
15 Feb, 2009
Thanks Gee...
Ff...he takes absolutely no notice of us now,except to watch when we hide his peanuts. Lol
15 Feb, 2009
~he's a very chilled squirrel!
15 Feb, 2009
Now i know where the saying "Bright Eyed & Bushy Tailed" comes from :) lol xBTW Fab Photo X
15 Feb, 2009
He is soo chilled Arlene....and what a poser Jacque..he was following us around the garden today as we tidied making sure we didnt disturb his buried nuts Lol
15 Feb, 2009
That is cool ! I would love to see a little family of them following you around LOL
15 Feb, 2009
Yes that would be a site wouldnt it Amy lol :)
15 Feb, 2009
Watch this space about April time !!!
15 Feb, 2009
il be around Ray/Jane dont u worry would`nt miss that 4 the world :)
15 Feb, 2009
Jacque..: ) : )
15 Feb, 2009
He's getting very tame isn't he. What a beauty he is. Love our Bright Eyed .. comment Jacque. Lovely photo BB, put on my favourites ;-)
15 Feb, 2009
He is my favourite anyway Dawn..what a boy !
15 Feb, 2009
lol fantastic photo
15 Feb, 2009
Aye dont see much of him,Eileen,but wonder what tiny feet he will be bringing back to the garden soon Lol
15 Feb, 2009
My fave squirrel pic BB, he is such a handsome little fellow.....can't wait till April!
15 Feb, 2009
Thanks so much Janey..just hope he brings the little "twiglets to show us !
15 Feb, 2009
~just been outside to make sure all the vents closed on the greenhouse etc and heard 2 foxes in the back lane just yards away from the wood~what a racket!
16 Feb, 2009
Wow Arlene..are they mating..we never hear foxes !Not in the right place at the right time !
16 Feb, 2009
~years ago BB my daughter went out at teatime with our dog at that time~she used to take a ball and play catch~she was quite a long time so we went out to look for her in different directions and I headed over to the cliffs.
It was warm and very quiet and as I headed round some bushes I froze~there in a little grassy area surrounded with gorse bushes was a cub trying to catch a butterfly! I stood for ages but eventually he must have caught my scent because he turned and disappeared in seconds~I didn't have a camera or a phone.....
16 Feb, 2009
What a picture that must have been Arlene!.....did you find your daughter okay?
16 Feb, 2009
~yes she had gone further than usual, got tired and was sitting with the dog beside her when my son found her~she was fine but we were traumatised!
16 Feb, 2009
Sounds like your dog was making sure she was safe Arlene.They seem to sense these things.Hope your boxers dont take to rolling in foxes pooh to hide their scent.The smell they return with is unmistakeable !
16 Feb, 2009
Our dog at the time had been owned by a pub landlady in Port Talbot and when she died her son didn't know what to do with him and was shutting him up in a shed during the day while he was chewing at the door to get out.
He was pining and we had him' free to good home'~ he was terribly thin and all his ribs were showing~scared to take him out in case we were reported! My daughter was only 2 yrs old at the time and he was about 3 to 4.
She used to ride on his back and play with him for hours~I am quite sure he would have protected her if necessary.He was 13 we think! when he died after he came in after a walk.
When she was older he used to sit beside her when she played the cello!
16 Feb, 2009
What a heartwarming story Arlene...he rewarded your rescue of him by a lifelong loyalty,which is priceless.
17 Feb, 2009
One for me? Thank you BB!....great photo.
17 Feb, 2009
Well Pg..he is potty about his pot so the connection was obvious ! lol
17 Feb, 2009
He's such a cutie..
19 Feb, 2009
Fantastic picture Bonkers. You sure he hasn't got anything else in that tankard.
Arlene, I live in a road on a 1970's housing estate and we get foxes every night in the road beneath our bedroom. As you say they make a fair old racket. The main culprit is the vixen who usually gives a couple of staccato yelps every couple of minutes, this is while she is looking for a mate. The screaming you hear is either when they are mating or fighting.
20 Feb, 2009
Thanks Sue ....yours is a looker too !
Toto...thanks...he is partial to the odd pint of guiness ! lol.Not aware of fox activity around here,but we do back onto woods,and have a visiting badger.
20 Feb, 2009
great photo BB. my niece was feeding the ones in the park yesterday she was so excited.
20 Feb, 2009
Yes Sandra..children can see beyond all the "issues " cant they..and just love the beauty of nature !
20 Feb, 2009
Dead right Bonkers. I'm proud to say that I have never grown up.
23 Feb, 2009
23 Feb, 2009
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Cyril is a real star. Great photo.
15 Feb, 2009