Tulips today
By Greenthumb

30 Mar, 2009
A bright and sunny face all day long. A little story goes with I'll have to blog. I saw all the spring you were getting across the pond, I want some!
Comments on this photo
Thanks Bernieh, a bright one indeed!
It opens up just pale yellow and I thought thats all I get growing them indoors with snow outside. A few days later the orange had spread and this hits.
30 Mar, 2009
A real ray of sunshine just beautiful!
30 Mar, 2009
I'm smitten. I might grab up every tulip in sight next fall. :-)
30 Mar, 2009
Fabulous colour !
30 Mar, 2009
Thanks BB, its so sunny, I'm just drinking it up!
31 Mar, 2009
Lovely. I'm the same, I always want Spring colours in the house in winter.
1 Apr, 2009
:-) Its really saving me right now. I've many feet of snow to melt off still. Gets a little stir crazy this time of year.
1 Apr, 2009
OOh, they're really lovely Gt....just what the doctor ordered!.....:o)
2 Apr, 2009
They are perfect! They do make everything around them....just green as so said elsewhere Janey :-) I have been thinking, I'm going to have many next year, and then hayfever. I might have many anyhow. :-) Its too funny to have the sniffle from spring pollen only at home in the house. :-)
3 Apr, 2009
oh my... they are lovely GT
5 Apr, 2009
Thanks Aleyna. :-)
6 Apr, 2009
Seems like you have got your hint of spring Greenthumb, and very nice too.
9 Apr, 2009
Thank you, Majeeka. It has been a great spring precurser.
9 Apr, 2009
Love your attitude GT, you're a real go getter ! If spring won't come to you, you go and get yourself a slice of spring ! Great job .
10 Apr, 2009
Thanks FC. This works really well. All my winter blahs just dwindled away.
10 Apr, 2009
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This photo is of "Tulip 'daydream'" in Greenthumb's garden
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Lovely colours. It certainly is a bright and cheery tulip.
30 Mar, 2009