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Lunaria and Euonymus


By Janey

Lunaria and Euonymus (Lunaria annua (Honesty))

I love Honesty,,,,so pretty for a damp and shady garden.

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Must make a note of this,got plenty damp and shady areas in the garden.Thanks

11 Apr, 2009


It's a biennial Deida so flowers every 2 years... with the lovely silver papery discs in Autumn. You can get a purple and white form too, which is pretty.

11 Apr, 2009


I love Honesty too, had a White one flowering last , sowed the seeds but nothing showing yet.

11 Apr, 2009


They sem to take ages to come through Pp...then take all year to grow and flower the next. My old garden used to have quite a few which meant every year there was always some somewhere...........

11 Apr, 2009


I've not grown this recently.
It is an interesting plant with the papery discs in Autumn :o)

11 Apr, 2009

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