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First Clematis montana flower open.

First Clematis montana flower open. (Clematis montana (Clematis))

Lovely to see them starting to flower!

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Ooh here it is Spritz.....the beginning of the show...:o) Can't wait for mine to start...still tight buds yet, but my Alpina Willy is just beginning to open..........:o)

14 Apr, 2009


Ours still in bud too....but wisteria about to pop !

14 Apr, 2009


mine still in tight bud. which montana is it? I have 'Elizabeth'

14 Apr, 2009


Same as you and nearby Seaburngirl !

14 Apr, 2009


You know I'm a Clematis freak, Sbg? There are three diferent montanas on the front of the house - I think this one is probably C.m. 'Rubra'. Lovely buds on the others, but I shall have to hang out of the bedroom window to photograph the others - or use the zoom! LOL.

I do have 'Elizabeth' but she is a young one, and has her first buds now!

14 Apr, 2009


My neighbour has finally repaired the fence between us so I am hoping to put in a clematis to climb over it. I feel another garden centre visit coming on!

14 Apr, 2009


Go girl! :-)

14 Apr, 2009


Rubra ? Ours is Rubens so fed up as by time our plants flower up here everyone has posted their pics ... going to get a heat lamp and force them to flower at christmas lol

14 Apr, 2009


Must rush out and see if mine has buds. I bought a new one last year and have not seen flowers yet.

15 Apr, 2009


Ha..ha.....what garden nutters we are.........wish my Wisteria would have buds BB, it's onlyabout 2 years have to wait some!

15 Apr, 2009


Sorry - BB, I think I meant Rubens - but it was rather late at night and my brain had gone to sleep.

Don't be fed up - yours will be flowering when ours have all dropped so you can say 'Nan na na na na' look at mine'! at that point. ;-)

15 Apr, 2009


Lovely. Are the Montanas the best climbers Spritz?

15 Apr, 2009


Mine is only just coming into leaf, can't wait now I have seen yours pretty, pretty!

15 Apr, 2009

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