A gift to you from 'Yorkshire' (Valerie)
By pita
Hi there
I hope you are all well? I promised on Bloomers blog that I would send you a copy of the poem I read at my mum Valerie’s funeral last Monday. In my eulogy, I did mention all of Mums friends on GOY and there was one witness of the group! (She knows who she is! xx)
I hope you enjoy this, I didn’t write it however I did read it from my heart.
A gift to you all, love from myself and my mum, who is now ‘back home’ and in peace……..
The Dash – by Linda Ellis
I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on the tombstone
from the beginning…to the end.
He noted that first came the date of birth
and spoke the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
that they spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved them
know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own,
the cars…the house…the cash
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.
So, think about this long and hard.
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
to consider what’s true and real
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect
and more often wear a smile,
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy is being read,
with your life’s actions to rehash…
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent YOUR dash?
I took this photo – hope you like it. much love Pita xx
15 Jan, 2014
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I agree with Terra ... I heard this read out a couple of years ago at the funeral of a dear friend ... very, very moving and thought provoking words. Take care.
15 Jan, 2014
It is a very moving poem and the photograph is absolutely lovely Pita, thankyou so much, you take care now and I hope to see you in the future..xxx..
15 Jan, 2014
Thank you all. Glad you like the photo too, I took that one on my iPhone!
15 Jan, 2014
I think this is a wonderful poem and I hope it brought you and the rest of the family great comfort.
lovely photo too.
15 Jan, 2014
A beautiful and moving poem Pita your photo equally so -a lovely tribute to a lovely lady xxx
15 Jan, 2014
Thank you for sharing this with us Pita. Its a beautiful tribute to your dear Mum. May the sun never set on your happy memories.
15 Jan, 2014
Thanks for sharing this lovely poem. I'm sure it brought everyone comfort when you read it out.
I was sorry to hear about your mother. She was a very friendly lady and I will miss her on this forum.
Take care now
Hywel xxx
15 Jan, 2014
Thank you Pita, a very moving poem. I miss your mum so much. Lovely photo too. Wishing you and all the family peace and lovely memories. God bless. Sylvia. x
15 Jan, 2014
Its a beautiful photo, and somehow just right for the lovely poem.
15 Jan, 2014
Thank you for posting it,Pita,and I love the photo you have chosen..A very moving poem,but it was just how your mum lived her life ..I miss her too xxxx
16 Jan, 2014
Lovely poem ive not heard that one before. Thanks for sharing it. Val was a lovely lady and I will miss her very much on here..
16 Jan, 2014
I echo everyones thoughts, your Mum will be remembered with love
and affection xxx
16 Jan, 2014
A lovely poem pita and a fitting tribute to a lovely lady. Thank you for sharing it with us. All the best to you and your family.
16 Jan, 2014
Bless you all for your lovely comments. Mum loved being on the forum, it was her afternoon routine to log on and be amongst friends.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
I'm off out with the camera as Spring seems to have arrived early! Catkins everywhere and I even spotted the Strawberries in flower.
Take care, don't forget to make your dash count!
Mum will be watching! ;o)
See you soon
Pita xx
17 Jan, 2014
Sorry Pita for being last.
That was a beautiful poem, it brought a tear to my eye. I do miss your mom. We had such fun on Guy. When I said something I always knew she would be there to back me up. Even though we never met I felt I knew her, I think of my dear friend every day, I look back on some of the comments we made and still have a good laugh at them. She had lots of good friends with her good humour on Guy, Give my regards to your dad Ralph her soul mate who she always mentioned in her comments. She will be missed by all.
17 Jan, 2014
Dear Pita..............what a beautiful start to a new year and amazing thoughts about our 'Dash'..........I must admit I had a little cry, dear Val has been in my mind a lot lately, how we will all miss her, her laughter, her jokes, her amazing sense of humour, she was one in a million and I never met her!! every word and every line in that poem is your dear Mum, Pita. Bless you for printing this blog it must have been hard for you and I hope that your dad is alright, give him a hug from us all. Thank you. x That photo is gorgeous.
17 Jan, 2014
Thank you both very much for your kind words. Mum loved you all.
Remember fun times, don't cry unless it's with laughter!
Love and blessings
Pita xx
17 Jan, 2014
I have heard that poem before Pita but it's always good to be reminded about how we spend our dash , your mum was a special lady we will always have very fond memories of her with love in our hearts , love to your family and your dad Ralph I shall always think of them when making a Yorkshire pud, they were kind enough to give me their recipe it works every time ... I could never make a decent one before that ! Your photo is stunning xx
19 Jan, 2014
Thank you Amy! We also use their Yorkshire pud recipe however we call ours Wiltshire puddings! Hee hee
19 Jan, 2014
hi pita....sorry I'm late! I've been away on holiday. I've never heard that poem before, but it's lovely and really appropriate for your mum. We were all so sad when she went away, but you're right...it's so good to celebrate a dash well spent. Take care and keep taking the pics! :)) x
19 Jan, 2014
Thank you! Xx
20 Jan, 2014
Thank you so much for this Pita, I've not read this poem before, but it's just perfect and very moving and with the perfect photo to accompany it. Your mum will never be forgotten. x
20 Jan, 2014
Thank you xx :0)
20 Jan, 2014
Hi Pita..
Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem with us here on Goy. Your mum is so much missed. We used to have so many giggles between us.. Still find it hard to believe that she has gone, but she will never be forgotten.. Val left those who were lucky enough to know her, way too many good memories.. She lives on in our hearts and always will..
Val was always so terrifically proud of you..She told me what a gifted photographer you are and I have seen some of your work..Absolutely beautiful! Having you here on Goy, keeps a little bit of Val here with us all.
Bless you for thinking of us my friend..xxxx
21 Jan, 2014
Bless your kindness. Xx
22 Jan, 2014
That's a lovely, thought-provoking poem, Pita and your photo is truly beautiful. Wonderful way to remember your lovely Mum. Hope you and the family are all finding your way through this together.
28 Mar, 2014
Thank you TBear & Homebird xxx
30 Mar, 2014
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Thanks Pita...
wonderful poem and superb photo ...
Yorkshire Val will be remembered very fondly ...
with love from Terra xxx
15 Jan, 2014