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Tropaeolum peregrinum
By Greenthumb

4 Sep, 2010
The canary vine flower. Growing in my runner beans up the porch poles, it started from seed easily, and has grown well. Leaves yellowed very quickly, but I've seen that often on any potted tropaeolum I've grown.
Comments on this photo
Thank you. This one deserved a closeup, as the flowers are very small, making just a splash of yellow.
4 Sep, 2010
Lovely shot!
I grew these too this year, but a few weeks after they came into bloom flea beetles destroyed the plant in two days flat!
4 Sep, 2010
Ouch! I'm glad to have had a very pest free garden this year. A few white fly on the convulvulus and a worm in the delphinium. Not to bad after last years white fly battle. :-) Thanks Meanie. :-)
4 Sep, 2010
I have grown this one a number of years ago,you have just reminded me what a good plant it was;0)
4 Sep, 2010
4 Sep, 2010
Thanks. They are pretty commonly grown here and trouble free. I've liked them mingling with the runner beans.
5 Sep, 2010
Love these Gt.....such an intricate flower, could be an orchid....:o)
6 Sep, 2010
This is beautiful, GT!! Haven't seen one before but will now keep it in mind for next spring!!
7 Sep, 2010
Thanks. They are a very interesting flower. I'd always just seen them around, not grown them. I'm glad to have added them to the garden. Lovely mixed into my vines.
7 Sep, 2010
Stunning :o)
9 Sep, 2010
Thank you Pip, I will be planting this again.
9 Sep, 2010
I keep meaning to get some seeds of this plant used to grow it few years ago, you have reminded me and they have gone on the list!!
9 Sep, 2010
Glad to remind you. They are nice to grow. :-)
9 Sep, 2010
Such a lovely colour.
9 Sep, 2010
You truly are green I've tried that vine (it's listed as a fast growing annual here) and had no success whatever! Congrats.. it's such a pretty blossom.
10 Sep, 2010
Thank you. I thought they started up very similarly to my runner beans, about a week behind. I just planted the seeds in the pot I wanted them to grow in and put it outside about a week from last frost. I got probably 70% sprouted. New seeds are forming just like nasturtium.
11 Sep, 2010
That's gorgeous GT :)
11 Sep, 2010
Thanks! Fun and bright.
12 Sep, 2010
Never seen one before gorgeous flower
23 Sep, 2010
Thank you. They are small but interesting and bright. These vines are grown in most gardens here, related to nasturtium they are pretty trouble free.
24 Sep, 2010
Crikey GT - I nearly choked on my coffee!!
I love these climbers, and will be growing one again next year, but I've found them to be pest magnets here in the uk. Tough though, and with a little help will see off most things.
Here's hoping next year is pest free!
24 Sep, 2010
LOL! There are many things out there that just don't exist here, especially those pests. I haven't seen anything here. but I suppose that doesn't stand everywhere. :-) Thats how I feel about convulvulus. I hope you don't see any pests on your peregrinum next year.
24 Sep, 2010
To be honest, there's very little we can do to stop the nasties turning up, so maybe it's good to have a sacrificial offering! My Grampy used to grow Nasturtium with the Broad beans especially for the blackfly - seems they prefer them to broad bean.
24 Sep, 2010
Interesting! You know, I've never seen blackfly in the nasturtium or my peregrinum either and that is something we do have. I do like to have a sacrificial plant, one they can feast on and stay out of everything else. My convulvulus were crawling but I didn't see them in anything else until the last few weeks, I think because the birch went golden and they started to starve. Hard freeze last night -4C, so I don't think there will be anymore of that anyway. Sad time of year for us here.
And I must be off to bed. Good morning! :-)
24 Sep, 2010
I don't know how you guys that far north do it!
24 Sep, 2010
Somehow Meanie.....somehow. :-)
24 Sep, 2010
Look just like an angel! Wonderful.
2 Oct, 2010
It is quite a wonderful shape, isn't it? Thank you. I hadn't thought angel, but it does!
3 Oct, 2010
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just beautiful
4 Sep, 2010