Gardener's World
By pmg
Heard a rumour that Alan Titchmarsh may be returning to Gardener’s World. Can’t wait. Almost stopped watching current series. (Yawn)
6 Nov, 2009
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I'd start watching again with a new presenter - poor old Toby is just too awkward and unpersonable on screen. Mind, I'd have to have earplugs to drown out fey Alys...
6 Nov, 2009
Out of the frying pan...
6 Nov, 2009
I have to say I would welcome him back as I find the current lot quite off-putting and have nearly stopped watching too.
6 Nov, 2009
I think its very tired and come to the end of its life . End it and have 2 new progs in its place one for those begining to garden and an advanced one for more established graden/gardeners. Also needs to be regionalised as gardening in Scotland must be so different to Wales etc.
6 Nov, 2009
I find Alan Titchmarsh irritating. I think he is a show off and I don't want him back on Gardener's world.
I like the one on it now. Toby something. I think he just gets on with what he has to do without making an act out of it.
6 Nov, 2009
...Toby Buckland, Hywel... :o)
6 Nov, 2009
Oh yes, Thank you. I think he's all right. He gets on with it and doesn't show off.
6 Nov, 2009
I'd like to see Carol Kline taking it over. She's much better than Alan Titchmarsh.
6 Nov, 2009
I agree Hywel...Carol would make a great enthusiastic, but maybe not everybody`s `cup of tea`?
6 Nov, 2009
Well Alan Titchmarsh is certainly not my cup of tea
6 Nov, 2009
I'm glad someone agrees with me - I can't stand him either
6 Nov, 2009
Andrew ~
Who would be your choice of presenter for the future ?
6 Nov, 2009
I thought Carol was a natural choice after the last guy had to leave because of health problems. Perhaps his programme "Around the World in 80 Gardens" was to much for his health. (For the likes of me can't remember his name! embarrassed blush!)
Since Alan left Gardeners' World he has become rather "full of himself", shame what a little fame can do to some people! I've seen his show on TV a few times but it has never impressed me.
I do find Toby a bit "bland". Joe might make an interesting presenter - he has some good, original ideas being a garden designer. I liked his original allotment!
As for Alys well I quite like her tips & her "down-to-earth" approach to many things. I can't see her ever becoming a presenter though!
I don't know of any other gardeners so I can't suggest any other names.
6 Nov, 2009
Monty Don was the presenter previously.
He was interviewed some months after his "minor stroke" and he admitted he had been over-working.
6 Nov, 2009
I find Alan Titmarsh a bit too smug and childish for my liking, although he's head and shoulders above Toby Buckland - I still hanker for the days of Geoff Hamilton, failing that, Roy Lancaster would be my choice.
6 Nov, 2009
Interesting choices, Bluespruce...
... and I like your new avatar pic. :o)
6 Nov, 2009
Thanks Tt, glad you like it :0)
6 Nov, 2009
Anyone interested in keeping up to date with shows of interest to gardeners on the main TV channels, I list these every Saturday or Sunday on my blog #21. :o)
7 Nov, 2009
TT - I'm not adverse to Toby (although I realise I'm in the minority here). While Carol is good, I think I would get a bit fed up when she gets too OTT, likewise Roy Lancaster - I can take them both in small doses but I think they would put off the ordinary punters who are not really into gardening. Joe Swift is a designer - we need someone more down-to-earth and realistic (triangular beds on an allotment is not realistic).
Chris Beardshaw would be my choice - he is knowledgeable bu seems to be able to communicate well with non-experts and experts alike
7 Nov, 2009
I think Chris Beardshaw has improved. He used to deliver all his reports in a rather whispery way, as if he were divulging something which was a secret, or rather sombre, if you know what I mean...
Carol is a very good plantswoman and maybe she would settle as a presenter... not be OTT for a whole programme. Lol..
What about Andy Sturgeon ? I've not seen him often.
Does he not have enough gardening/presenting experience ?
Whenever I watch Joe Swift, I always recall his Dad...
a very good actor...Mr. Bucket... :o)
7 Nov, 2009
Chris Beardshaw, sends me to sleep.
Joe Swift, I'm afraid just looking at his face annoys me.
7 Nov, 2009
Andy Sturgeon is another designer. I think the GW front man/woman needs to be someone where plants come first rather than a designer. Hope they don't go all 'trendy and popularist' and get Kim Wilde. And if they were to get Sarah Raven, I'd sell my TV (can't stand the woman!)
7 Nov, 2009
I would like Carol to take over aswell.
7 Nov, 2009
And I know you aren't just saying that Clarice, because you are in favour of garden-lovers called Carol...Lol. :o)
7 Nov, 2009
Right first time TT :o))) LOL
7 Nov, 2009
7 Nov, 2009
I can't bear Sarah Raven either Andrew. Whatever happened to Charlie Dimmock? I think my first choice would be Prince Charles, apparently he loves, and is very knowledgeable, about gardening - and of course he has very little else to do.
7 Nov, 2009
Oh lord, no, lovely guy, couldn't bear to listen to that plum being pushed round his mouth all the time. Just wanted to add that the BBC is denying they're asking Titchmarsh back to GW.
7 Nov, 2009
I love Alan Titchmarsh and miss him very much and can they please bring back the old Alan title music :-) Carol would be my next choice,she's down to earth and so passionate about flowers.
11 Nov, 2009
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6 Nov, 2009