A day out at the Kent Autumn Show
By poppylover99
Hi everyone, I had a great time at the show today. I spent too much, walked too much and took too long to decide what to buy. I love these shows, this is the second one at this showground this year. The first was in spring. Here goes… a few photos to give you the highlights and an idea of my day:
Arrived at the showground around lunchtime. The weather was fine, sun was out. Lots of people were sitting on the grass having a picnic.
Lots of plants to see
I really liked this thunbergia trained through this basket – what a bargain only £5?
This mirror caught my eye. A lesson to me in being decisive, by the time I went back to buy it, sadly it had already gone. But all was not lost!
The heritage stand was really interesting. Thats a faux church ruin and arch leading through to a mirrored gate. I’m glad I saw this gate as I was thinking of buying it on the web. It wasn’t quite as nice as I anticipated, I think I would have been disapointed. Still it’s nice to look and dream….
There were lots of lovely things to accessorise the garden: So whose chicken are you?
By three oclock the ground was emptying, where had everyone gone? – I was not complaining, much easier to get down to the serious business of the day – you guessed it – shopping!
When we finally got back to the car, this is me very tired, but happy!
There was just no more room left in the car!
What a lovely day. So now I need to decide where to put all the plants, mirrors etc…. Heres a few more photos to finish off to give you an update on what I bought. (The little scarecrow and scarecrow ring were bought by my friend) You’ll notice I did manage to find another nice mirror – It saved me having to sulk!
Hope you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoyed doing it!
11 Sep, 2011
Previous post: Kent Autumn Garden Show
Next post: Down the garden path
I love those butterflies! That basket planter was a great bargain for £5! Although I don't think you bought that one? Sounds as if you had a lovely time - looking forward to the next one?
11 Sep, 2011
Seems like you had a good day, lots of bargains.
11 Sep, 2011
Beautiful show in a beautiful place with a nice blog by a lovely looking lady if I may say so.
I know the area. There is a Greek church in the nearby village of Boxley and the last time I've been there was for a sad occasion. I attended the funeral of a young relative in his early twenties who apparently committed suicide for unknown reasons. He had a very good job and was living a comfortable life. His family blame the internet. Picture No 6 is very similar of what you can see when you visit Capel Manor agricultural College in Enfield North Middlesex.
11 Sep, 2011
Ah Costas I see you are enjoying your day on the computer!
The Internet is a tool I think and like any tool it can be used for good or bad. These blogs are just wonderful but I have heard only today of trouble caused by someone putting a comment on trip advisor.
11 Sep, 2011
Hi y'all
thank you for your comments, yes it was a lovely day, well worthwhile. I'm now having fun trying to think where to put everything. No Sticky sadly I did not buy that basket. I have a garage choc a block with all my old floristry shop stuff, so I daren't buy any more - OH will have a fit! - but thought I might just pinch the idea. I am lucky to be able to buy a few bits for the garden because we have sold off a large piece as a building plot, so I feel justified in having a little splash out to get it back looking the way I want it. And Costas what can I say? - you made me blush ! - ty though I was a bit windswept. now where can I put those butterflies? .....
11 Sep, 2011
That was an interesting show to go to, and I'm glad you were able to buy some nice things. I love that ruin. I would have wanted to buy it :o)
11 Sep, 2011
Sticki, what is trip advisor? I am missing something on the site
Poppy what a lot of stuff, where will you put it all.. Perhaps you should have a garage sale for some of your old floristry stuff and then go and buy even more for your garden.
11 Sep, 2011
Oh sorry, no trip advisor is an Internet site - nothing to do with GoY
11 Sep, 2011
Phew, that's alright then. Don't like to think I'm missing something. LOl
11 Sep, 2011
Hi Hywell and Grannyb
Yes I wanted to buy that church ruin too, but was afraid to ask how much - maybe I'll email them and then they wont see the shock on my face when I receive the answer. As for the garage Grannyb, I can just about get the lawnmower in at the moment. I think I should start selling some, there's lots of glass, trugs mirrors ooh and now I think of it a lovely basket that I could use for my bay tree out front! that's a good suggestion always need money for plants.
12 Sep, 2011
poppylover 99
looked like you had a good day, i love the
butterflies, i added you to my favorites.
12 Sep, 2011
Thanks Smurf - Ive put you on mine too!
13 Sep, 2011
If anyone is interested 'the new eden' is the company who sells the 'butterfly swish'. You can buy it online at:
www.theneweden.com. there's a few other nice things on there too that could make nice presents.
13 Sep, 2011
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Very nice Poppy. Enjoyed it. I love these shows too, its great to see all the things you could have if you could afford it !!! Like the mirror and the butterflies on the planter. Nice to meet you too. Thanks for sharing your day.
11 Sep, 2011