Pots on the Patio
By poppylover99
With all the bad weather we’ve been having, I didnt think there was anything in the garden that was worth taking photos of. Now weve had this sudden burst of sunshine again I was prompted to pick up the camera again. Its so funny when you sit and look at your garden on photos, it looks so different, makes me enjoy the good things and not focus on what is still to be done! Is it just me or do other members feel like this?
Now Ive just downloaded a load of photos and dont know where to start! lol
So here are a few of the pots on the patio.
One thing Im particularly pleased with is this lovely aeonium. It has grown so much since I got it late last year.
Its not been the right weather for petunias, but the hanging baskets are just beginning to look nice
Lets hope everything will be spurred on now and produce lots of flowers for us all
I just love these new RHS pots, may get some more if the OH doesnt examine the bank statement too closely this month
One of the herb baskets
10 Aug, 2012
Previous post: A little trip to Lavender land
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They look so goodits this sun we all need, I went away for a week and the pots were full of flowers.....maybe my neighbour should always look after them......
10 Aug, 2012
Hi Cinders, well yes it would take me hours to do the watering, if we'd not had so much rain. Ive been able to get away with a quick top up each day or if Im feeling lazy every other day! I quite enjoy it luckily.
Meadow, there will always be a cup of coffee for you on the table!Ive got quite a few more photos to show you yet hope you dont get bored!
Hi Pam, I keep saying to myself 'Its not me its the weather' lol.
10 Aug, 2012
Pretty garden Roz. Lovely :o)
10 Aug, 2012
You have some gorgeous pots and plants PoppyL. Looking summery at last, love the last pic, a lovely place to sit for a cuppa :) long may it last lol.
10 Aug, 2012
All looking fantastic! Love that first pic! :))))
10 Aug, 2012
Thanks Terra, nice of you to say :-))
Ydd you are so kind, wish my garden was as nice as yours. Pixi you are welcome for a cuppa anytime, and Terra and Ydd!!
10 Aug, 2012
:)m ight hold you to that..one day :)
10 Aug, 2012
All filling out well PoppyL. New pots look great :-)
Love the herb baskets too, good buy them.
God knows why we are going to another plant fair, we hardly need anymore! Lol.
10 Aug, 2012
Your garden is lovely and full of interest. I really like that Aeonium. I wish mine would grow like that !
I always think the same as you about my own garden. People keep saying it's pretty etc but if they could see the mess it's in they'd say something else lol
... but yours does look lovely :o)
10 Aug, 2012
OK Pix any time!
Willi, I can always find room for more. I got some bulbs today, you know those nice ballerina tulips. When I dig them in, Im going to tell the others - 'breathe in' lol.
Hywel, I forced myself to put some piccies on, because I wasnt that pleased with the display. Im glad I did because it made me realise how much everything has filled out. I may need your help with one of my cactus 0 its got a big dark patch on the top. Ill put a photo on.
10 Aug, 2012
Lovely blog - love the RHS pots as well (bet they're expensive)
10 Aug, 2012
Lovely pots and baskets poppy. Something nasty seems to have got my lobelia and it's all dying. Yours looks great. Jx
11 Aug, 2012
Lovely and that Aeonium is just gorgeous!
12 Aug, 2012
Hi Sheilar, the RHS pots are not expensive at all and guaranteed for10 years too, have a look for some in your local GC, theyre bound to have some
Thanks Jane, I wonder what that could be eating your lobelia? I havent a clue, too high for slugs??
Lulu, thats my favourite too!
12 Aug, 2012
I wondered slugs, but everything is well pelleted and I haven't seen any tell tale trails. At the root base of some, there seemed to be a thick white coating. Mould? or an invasion of new lobelia eating insects?
12 Aug, 2012
I am going to dig a pond.....with an island in the middle....where my Lobelias can live safely!!!
12 Aug, 2012
LOL ! Can I send mine to visit, before the mass invasion from other worlds wipes them out totally (Guess who's ben reading too much John Wyndam)? Jx
12 Aug, 2012
Agree with the Hywel and Lulu about the aeonium - it's fabulous. All looking very good and I like the tent/canopy thing at the end - having memory blip, forgotten what it's called!
12 Aug, 2012
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Lovely blog Poppy, but what a lot of watering you have to do, it must take you hours.
10 Aug, 2012