The Kitchen windowsill
By poppylover99
Well I know autumn is now with us and things are going brown, leaves are falling off etc in the garden. These little plants on my kitchen windowsill really cheer me up. I know there are a few streptocarpus fans out there so thought you might like to see these:-)
this one is called Mfanwy (reminds me of little Britain)
and this little beauty is called ‘falling stars’ – I think its my favourite…. ssssh dont tell them!
I did have a beautiful strepto called Ruby until last month. I think it is beyond revival, I committed the cardinal sin and overwatered it. Still nevermind I managed to salvage a few leaves and absentmindedly put them in a glass of water. To my surprise a few weeks later, they had roots appearing. I’ve now potted them up and hope they will grow into new plants. fingers crossed.
Oh and the busy lizzies….. – new guinea hybrids, I think these make lovely pot plants. I rescued these from local Gc a couple of weeks ago. They were selling them off for £1 each! couldn’t resist, had to stop myself buying more.
30 Sep, 2011
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Hi Pippa you've just won a prize for the fastest response ever on goy
I've had them in the greenhouse for their summer hols, but in a shady part as too much sun marks the leaves. (Musn't get water on them either) Glad you like them!
30 Sep, 2011
so a window sill in the shade would be ok?
they are lovely.
i spend too much time on here poppylover!! OH is out so i sneaked more time on the computer!!!
30 Sep, 2011
naughty old you! but I fully understand why - I'm addicted too. My OH is busy playing computer chess. I keep telling him to have a chat with the other players.... but he's not interested!
An east or north facing windowsill would be great and perhaps a little holiday outside somewhere shady in the summer. Not essential but I think you get a better display of flowers that way. I put alot of my houseplants outside in summer and bring them in about now before nights get too cold.
30 Sep, 2011
east and north no problem ~ no sun here!!!!
is that for the streps and the busy lizzies? i love that falling stars ~ bought it for a present for my mum but wish i had one too!!
i tried the chess but i kept losing!!!
30 Sep, 2011
It could be busy lizzies are quite accommodating, they seem to grow under most conditions. Ask your mum for a leaf of her falling stars. I managed to root some in a tiny bit of water - only took about 2 wks!
30 Sep, 2011
Hi Poppy what a lovely display I am still trying to hang onto my summer plants until the very last minute:)
30 Sep, 2011
Hi Nana d Isn't the weather gorgeous at the moment. Make the most of your garden whilst its still fine.
30 Sep, 2011
Leaves falling off in Kent as early as now? Let me go out and look. You may have something unusual poppylover.
I like your pictures.
30 Sep, 2011
Yes Costas - but only in my garden - lol!! I have a really mature maple tree Its official name : Acer platanoides drummondii. It is making a bit of a mess at the moment, but not too bad as the leaves are very papery and light. I have covered the pond though. Many more leaves to come as one of our neighbours has a garden full of huge sweet chestnut trees, and we are on the oncoming side of the wind... so to speak!! oh the joy...!!!How nice you are to say you like my pictures ... Ta matey!
30 Sep, 2011
we have one or two leaves coming off the oak trees, they are beginning to change colour ~ be interesting to see how and where the leaves are falling ~ a leaf map!!??
30 Sep, 2011
I like Streptos too. Thanks for showing them. I've noticed quite a few have got Welsh names, like Myfanwy. I've got one called Nia (pronounced Nee-ah) and there are some more aswell. You can't beat a Welsh name - but I am biased lol
I've also got falling Stars. It's a lovely colour isn't it.
I'm pleased the ones you put in water have rooted. I'm trying some aswell, but no results yet.
1 Oct, 2011
how long does it take to make those cuttings?
1 Oct, 2011
The leaf map sounds good Sticki. I think you should make one. The cuttings shouldn't take very long. I did mine by just putting some leaves in a bit of water. I have also tried the more convential way by cutting along the leaf stems and rooting in compost. All my attempts at the latter method have not been successful. If you let the compost dry out (as I did) they all just curl up and go brown. Now my leaves in water have rooted I potted them up singly and they should now form a nice new rosette by next spring and then you cut back the original leaf.
Have a go.. it doesn't cost anything, just a bit of patience and it makes your windowsills earn their keep!! Let me know how you get on.
1 Oct, 2011
These little plants are really quite easy to root, once you get used to their foibles! I've had a few ups and downs with them. Overwatering or letting them stand in water too long seems to be the worst crime you can commit. Hope your cuttings root soon for you, I think things are slowing down a bit now that we are getting shorter days - but don't give up. If have some success I can send you and Sticki some rooted cuttings if you would like - (but won't be until next spring now.)
1 Oct, 2011
mum lives in devon and its mum that has the falling stars! i shall ask her to try it for me ~ thats why i needed the instructions!!!
i think the leaf thing would be interesting but i cant think for the moment the best way to do it ~ maybe just put a photo on and perhaps people will be kind enough to comment what its like near them?? we did it with snowdrops ~ it was interesting to watch them come up ~ almost as a chain going through the country!!!
1 Oct, 2011
That sounds like a Goy version of Springwatch, in this case Autumnwatch. You can be Kate Humble! Perhaps a collage of gorgeous coloured leaves on outline of GB.
With the strepto, if your mum just keeps some leaves in water for you. You could collect and pot them up at your leisure and show her what to do so that she can give some to her friends too! Good luck hope it works out well.
1 Oct, 2011
that sounds like a challenge!! have to have go now but i cant possibly be kate humble!!!
thanks for the tips on the streps
1 Oct, 2011
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they look beautiful, how do you keep them looking so good? do they like sun?
30 Sep, 2011