Flower Quiz
By poppylover99
What awful weather we’ve had today. Hope its been a bit brighter where you are. We were supposed to be going to a barbeque!! Just thought you might fancy a bit of a diversion to take your mind off the weather.
All the answers are flower related. If you PM me your answers Ill PM you back to let you know how youve done. This will ensure we dont spoil it for anyone else who wants to have a go. No prizes – just a big pat on the back for every one you get right. Hope you enjoy it!
1. Two girls together
2. Economical management
3. She had a proposal
4. A money factory
5. Several groups of sheep
6. Greeting to a girl
7. A Cissy
8. Fatal nocturnal parasol
9. It dances in the breeze
10. A wise man
11. Not dancing
12. Prickly wine
13. Sad ringer
14. Is she shrinking?
15. Are these from amsterdam?
16. Prince Charming
17. Fathers at the Barbers
18. Old comic roars
19. Hope you dont spring one of these
20. Household implement
21. Vehicle plus people
22. Blue in the garden, white in the kitchen
23. End of a watering can
24. Animals gauntlet
25. Rose on her best behaviour
26. What request did he make when he left her?
27. They used to put men in these
28. Part of the eye
29. For hanging a picture in the toilet
30. Scarlet?
Best of luck everyone.
14 Jul, 2012
Previous post: Hampton Court Flower Show
Next post: Spoiler Warning - Answers to Flower Quiz
Haha DD, no just the common names. I should have said the answers are a mix of flowers, vegetables and herbs. Hope that helps and it doesnt drive you bonkers!
14 Jul, 2012
Have had to copy this into Word to think about later! Thank you - quite a challenge.
14 Jul, 2012
You're welcome Stera. I had fun doing it, even though I didnt figure them all out. Ive got the answers now though lol - makes it all much easier! Just think cryptic!
14 Jul, 2012
I have just done a cryptic crossword lol
14 Jul, 2012
This is going to take for ever !
14 Jul, 2012
do we get how many letters at least ?
14 Jul, 2012
got 28
14 Jul, 2012
Good fun Poppy . . . something for a rainy day (tomorrow probably). Only got 14 or 15 answers so far, but will enjoy puzzling it out. Thanks!
14 Jul, 2012
Hi Paul - Do you want to check out your answers yet?, thats not bad going is it.
Cinders - it wont take you long, once you get going.
Sheila - I think youre wise, I can see you sitting out in your garden in your special sheet with your pen in hand..lol Much better than trying to figure them out with a glass of wine in hand... ooooh brain ache!
14 Jul, 2012
3 gaps (didn't take your advice . . . influenced by alcohol) x PM imminent!
14 Jul, 2012
I am stuck on a few, it is a good quiz though :-))
14 Jul, 2012
Sorry Meadow - I forgot it was your curry night - Im sure you'll cope!
Keep going Mavis - let me know if you need any clues.
It'll have to be tomorrow though, my eyes keep telling me to go to bed! - Ive gone a bit cross-eyed lol!
14 Jul, 2012
Oh dear lol I can answer about 3 ! :/ I'll have to think hard. I'm not used to doing that these days lol
14 Jul, 2012
Same here Poppylover I am off to bed as well :-))
14 Jul, 2012
Got over 20 so far.......wish I had known it was vegetables and herbs before , was just going on flowers, good quiz Poppy.
14 Jul, 2012
~Glad you're enjoying it DD. Sorry I should have said before, all the answers are straightforward everyday common names of flowers, vegetables and herbs. Now thats far more clues than I was given but hope it adds to your enjoyment. Paul you dont get number of letters!! That would make it far too easy!
Sheilabub is leading so far, she got 25 out of 30. Well done Sheila.
15 Jul, 2012
just found your blog thanks for making up the quiz
have only got 8 so far so will have to get the thinking cap on it is going to take me some time !!!!!!!!!!! :o))
15 Jul, 2012
Great idea. Only come up with 3 so far. They're really cryptic will have to get my thinking cap on.
15 Jul, 2012
Let me know when you want the answers!
15 Jul, 2012
enjoying this :-)) will take a while lol but great fun thanks
15 Jul, 2012
Poppy - What I want to know is are you awarding prizes???!!!
15 Jul, 2012
Took the words out of my mouth, Tracey . . . what is the prize, Poppy?!
15 Jul, 2012
Sheilabub the prize is......................
my grateful thanks ...lol
15 Jul, 2012
Glad youve had a bit of fun with this everyone. If there are any you're still stuck on , - Ive just put the answers on in a separate blog. Thanks for your lovely comments.
15 Jul, 2012
Brilliant PoppyL - that was very clever quiz - it all becomes clear now - I may even try one myself ! Parsnip was a classic!! but they all were
16 Jul, 2012
;-))) Paul. Cant claim the credit for thinking the quiz up all by myself. It was given to me on a recent coach trip visit to Hampton Court. It perked up the journey on the way home. I enjoyed it, Im glad you did too. I think the organiser mentioned that she gleaned quite alot from the internet, so maybe that's a good start for constructing your own quiz. I look forward to doing your quiz Paul.
18 Jul, 2012
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OMG this is going to take me ages, first are they latin names or the common names for plants? or have we got to work it out ourselves lol
14 Jul, 2012