Unusual but reliable/easy tomato varieties
By Johnm
United Kingdom
Has anyone any experience of growing unusual varieties. We're looking to grow a range of toms next year on our school allotment/greenhouses with a view to holding a taste-teste competition next year. Your recommendations would prove useful
12 Jul, 2009
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Thank you Bertie for your advice! What an excellent source of seed Graines Baumaux is. I look forward to browsing their lists at length.
12 Jul, 2009
I have grown banana cream and lemon tree both old varieties of yellow toms, as well as winter grape a late fruit of rich red colour. I have also grow tigerella.
I like sungold for a cherry and favourite for flavour is ailsa craig an oldish variety of a decent salad tomato.
12 Jul, 2009
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Tomato F1 Beefeater Seeds
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There is a whole range of colours, including yellow, pink, 'black' (very dark red) and even white and green. Ones I find are good are :
1. Tigerella... green stripes on a red tomato.
2. Yellow Brandywine and Red Brandywine, both excellent for taste
3. Super Marzano, very large Italian plum type
For best taste, the best known is Gardeners' Delight, a small round red tomato, and Sungold, an F1 hybrid, but reputed to be one of the sweetest (I'd agree) which is gold coloured.
I find St Pierre a really good French variety for general large tomatoes with good taste.
Thompson and Morgan do a wide range of heritage and other types, but if you look for Graines Baumaux on line, this French supplier has a huge range of varieties. (And you can order just like with a UK supplier, though you'd have to pay with credit card which costs a bit more when converted to euros) The other supplier we found very useful was Seeds of Italy.
12 Jul, 2009