tomatoes going brown
By Pilgrims
United Kingdom
tomatoes get to yellowish stage then appear rotten at the bottom
25 Jul, 2009
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Sounds painful to me Mac!
My toms are still very they need sunlight to ripen? Might be a tall order! I water them very night & feed every other that right?
25 Jul, 2009
your toms just need patience and they will be fine. I water mine every night and feed them once a week occasionally twice a week , I am not sure there is a definitive right or wrong with feeding although over feeding can mean the plants concentrate on growing tall and leafy rather than growing fruit.If its working for you fluff it should be fine although I would cut down the feeding slightly for the reason mentioned and also cost.
25 Jul, 2009
Ok will do...I've grown several different varieties including orange ones & purple ones but being an airhead I don't know which is which until they ripen!!
The beefsteak ones are obvious now tho'!
25 Jul, 2009
I have tried all sorts ,but this year I grew only Gardeners Delight a cherry type ,the taste is fantastic and plenty of fruit on the plants , they are my favs so I think I will stick with them from now on.
25 Jul, 2009
we grew lots of varieties this year. they are ripening now. its so much fun trying all the different ones. our family are becomming tomato
we had a bit of bottom end rot but only on a couple of big ones.
favorites so far are 'ildi' small sweet yellow ones...and german red straberry the biggest and the best tasting by far.
hilbilly potatoe leaf is just plain mis-shaded and uneven ripening...wont be growing that one next year..
25 Jul, 2009
some of your photo's were fantastic Sandra , I found generally the smaller toms tasted better , the german red interest me if its large and sweet tasting.
26 Jul, 2009
its got a great flvoour to it. when you cut into each one it looks a lot like a strawberry. we will definately be growing them next year.
26 Jul, 2009
I might give them a try next year Sandra .
26 Jul, 2009
morning Maccrimmon we got the seeds from seeds of distinction. our weaterforcast is awful today wind and rain ...what are u in for today?
26 Jul, 2009
Mornin Sandra Its pouring down here just now ,it was nice for a few days so cant complain , will probably take a run down the Clyde Valley today , there are loads of Garden centres there , I need a big clay pot for one of my tree ferns , it fell over as the growth is making it top heavy.
26 Jul, 2009
i dont mind the rain as we have had a few nice days too. we have our biggest tree fern staked. it has to put up with a lot of wind. enjoy the garden centres...;-))
26 Jul, 2009
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sounds like you got blossom end rot Pilgrims , its normally caused by irregular watering or overfeeding , type Blossom end rot in the search bar top right and you will find out a bit more.
25 Jul, 2009